Title: Under Different Circumstances
Chapter 178/?: Vin et fromage
Characters: Jean-Pierre, Vincent, Nathalie, Xavier, Julie, Ensemble Cast
Genre: Romance
Rating for this chapter: K+
Pairings: Jean-PierrexVincent
Summary: A series of short stories showing the evolution between Vincent and Jean-Pierre.
This chapter summary: Jean-Pierre organises a wine and cheese surprise birthday party, for Vincent.
Under Different Circumstances
Vin et fromage
Because I went to a wine and cheese party and decided to use it as an excuse.
Under Different Circumstances
Vin et fromage
“Tremblay, when the fuck is your husband supposed to get here? I’m starving.” Xavier asked his friend, eyeing the platter of fruit in front of him and salivating already. Nathalie swatted his arm, from his side, and Claude snickered from across him. Xavier glared at him and stuck his tongue out.
“Act your age, seriously. I know we have babies at home, but we’re in public now.”
“Aw, Nat, c’mon.”
“Ouais, Xav, agis dont ton âge.”/ “Yeah, Xav, act your age.”
“Aye, ta yeule la guimauve. Ch’te parlais pas.”/ “Shut up, asshole. I wasn’t talking to you.” Xavier turned to Jean-Pierre again. “Pis?”/ “And?”
“Y devrait pas tarder.”/ “It shouldn’t be that much longer.”
“I’m still surprised he doesn’t suspect a thing and you’ve managed to pull all of this off.” Julie told him, teasing smirk in place. Jean-Pierre rolled his eyes at her.
“Vous n’avez aucune confiance en mes talents, ou habiletés.”/ “You guys have no faith in my talents, or abilities.”
“Because it’s you and we know Vincent.” François threw in.
“Je prend insulte à ça. Anyways, y pense que ch’travaille, y’a passé la journée a’c son père, comme c’était prévu y’a ben longtemps, ça fête est demain, pis j’ai prévu d’quoi a’c lui, pis y l’sait, fak y s’attend à rien, à moins que quelqu’un s’est ouvert la trappe.”/ “I take insult to that. Anyways, he thinks I’m working, he spent the day with his father, as planned a while back, his birthday is tomorrow, and I made plans with him, so he doesn’t expect anything, unless someone opened up their gob.”
“Twenty bucks Vincent knew all along.” Guillaume stated.
“Thirty, pass Tremblay est trop cave pour garder l’surprise secret.”/ “Thirty, because Tremblay is too stupid to keep the surprise a secret.” Guillaume continued.
“Fifty, pass y’a dit d’quoi a’ matin.”/ “Fifty, because he said something this morning.” Guillaume actually took out money.
“One hundred, because we all know better.” Everyone fell silent, looking at Julie, who smiled innocently at them.
“Cent-cinquante vous vous la fermez, sinon vous mangez pas. De toute façon, son père m’a texté, y vont être icitte dans cinq minutes.”/ “One hundred and fifty you guys shut up, or else you won’t eat. In any event, his father texted me, they’ll be here in five minutes.”
“No! I’m hungry!” Xavier bemoaned.
They first heard the garage door open and then saw Monsieur run to the door, waiting for Vincent to come in. The others gathered took that as their cue to quiet down and hide. Thankfully, the lights were turned off beforehand and when Vincent walked in and he turned them on, he was greeted by fourteen people shouting a big “surprise!” at him.
Had Jean-Pierre actually taken everyone on their bets, he would have won.
Vincent’s initial reaction was to jump, but once he saw his close friends gathered, and his husband standing in the middle of them, unwilling tears came to his eyes and the widest of smiles spread on his face. He walked over to Jean-Pierre, who waited for him with open arms. Vincent fell into them, blushing and wiping his eyes at the same time.
“Bonne fête, mon coeur.”/ “Happy birthday, my love.” Jean-Pierre murmured to him and someone snapped a picture, just as Vincent took his husband’s face between his hands to kiss him proper.
“I can’t believe it, a surprise party!”
“Kay, now that he’s here, can we eat?” Xavier interrupted.
“Yeah, j’veux manger du pain, pis du fromage.”/ “Yeah, I want to eat some bread with some cheese.” Guillaume added.
Ever since Jean-Pierre decided he was going to organise a surprise birthday party for Vincent, he had set his mind on doing something a little different. He originally thought of having it at the restaurant, but found that to be too plain. He thought of other restaurants, but couldn’t pick one, and it had only been after he spoke to François, three weeks ago, that he came with the idea, after his friend told him he had attended a wine and cheese party.
The preparations were easily taken care of, the phone calls were made, while he took his breaks at work, and in no time at all, everything was in order. In all honestly, Jean-Pierre was surprised he managed to keep everything secret from Vincent, up until now. His husband was very good at finding out things he wasn’t supposed to.
However, he was able to and that was all that mattered. The wine, he got from his supplier, from the restaurant, and his biggest challenge had been to find the right cheeses to create the right flavours and combinations.
He popped open the first of the bottles of champagne and poured each of his guests a glass, while Vincent greeted his friends, before he delivered a toast in honour of Vincent.
“Longue vie à toi, mon cher, et joyeux anniversaire. Cheers.”/ “Long life to you, my dear, and happy birthday. Cheers.” A chorus of cheers followed, as the guests clunk their champagne flutes together. The bread and cheese were brought out, as well as the platters of fruits and nuts, and Xavier was finally able to eat.
The evening was a complete success and Vincent classed this as one of his best birthdays. He was humbled by the gifts he received and every now and then, he still couldn’t believe Jean-Pierre had pulled everything off, without him ever finding out.
By the end of the night, once their friends had left and the kitchen was cleaned, Jean-Pierre went to join his husband in their bedroom, carrying with him a simple, white envelope, with a green ribbon on it and Vincent’s name neatly written on it.
“Pour toi.”/ “For you.” Jean-Pierre sat next to him and handed him the envelope.
“What’s this?”
“Ton cadeau.”/ “Your gift.” Vincent frowned lightly.
“I thought the party and the wine and cheese was my gift.”
“En partie. Ça c’est ton cadeau, de ton mari qui t’aimes un peu trop, des fois.”/ “In parts. This is your gift, from your husband who loves you a little bit too much, sometimes.”
“Des fois? Jean-Pierre Tremblay, what have you done this time?”/ “Sometimes?...” Jean-Pierre gave him a mischievous grin and waited for Vincent to open the envelope. The ribbon quickly came off and the card read in a few short seconds, before Vincent saw what it was that was in the envelope.
“Theatre tickets? Really? Jean! Merci… We haven’t seen a show together in ages!”/ “… Thank you…” Vincent tackled him into a hug, pushing him back on the bed, the tickets falling to their side.
“Content que tu aimes.”/ “I’m glad you like them.”
“Of course! Thank you so much!” He laughed, kissing his partners lips.
I do accept anonymous reviews.
Started writing: April 30th 2013, 8:25pm
Finished writing: April 30th 2013, 9:21pm
Started typing: November 1st 2013, 2:57pm
Finished typing: November 1st 2013, 3:25pm