Welcome Back! (To Reality...)

May 29, 2013 17:12

On the 27th, at night, I got back from Canada West trip.

It was really fun! I took the train, from Montreal to Toronto and then met up with P. to go from TO to Jasper and then Jasper to Vancouver. We were gone for 10 days in total.

-Sleeping in a cabin. You have to do that once in your life.
-The whole train experience and talking with the other passengers.
-Taking a shower in a moving train.
-Sleeping on a moving train.
-The view.
-Jasper was really a neat little town.
-Climbing part of a mountain.
-Getting to the other end of the country!

I made it a point to get off at every long-ish stop the train made. That also included the really random hick-towns. We passed by a village/town/community of 25 people.

There were so many random old abandoned houses/shacks and cars along the road. C'tait weird et mystérieux.

It certainly was an adventure! Especially talking with all the elderly folk who were on the train with us. We were the youngest ones in our group!

The views were spectacular! We saw a bear, elk that were 4-5 meters away from us, deer, foxes and that's about it haha. Bref, everyone should go across the country at least once in their life!

But now that I'm back, it's camp and soccer stuff! Already, the night of the 27th I had a meeting (which I didn't know of and found out when I was in Berta) and I had to miss it, but my boss said it was okay for that one. Au moins! But, tonight I have my first official chef meeting and I'm already trembling and nervous! Ahahaha.... I packed my bag and am waiting for my Dad to get home so I can leave. (Hurrah, a car!)

I called all my little patates yesterday for soccer, since we're starting to play on Saturday.

Naturally, on the 15th, I have a game, a formation and the soccer pictures! So many formations!

Chuis passée à ça d'avoir mon camp, mais ironiquement, une des filles du 2, qui était dans le 2 en tant que monitrice, qui a travaillé avec moi à la Bibliovente, got it. But I was so close. Oh well, j'ai quand même mon poste de chef.

I'll conclude on another Michel Tremblay note. Il écrit vraiment bien, le personnage de Jean-Marc est trop adorable pis le video version of one of his books was so funny and kitsh and so 80s que c'tait drôle pis lame mais cute pareil. Bref, c'tait pas la série que je cherchais, mais I borrowed it from the library regardless out of curiosity.

Et pour finir, hier mes parents ont célébrés 30 ans de mariage. I'm as shocked as you haha.

Sur ce, bonne formation!

omg, lolwut, my emotions they are, british columbia, michel tremblay, just stuff, funny story, traveling, ahhhhhh!, soccer, windex, manitoba, have you seen this weather? no seriously, le job, forever incoherent, canada, alberta, life, j'ai froid, p., saskatchewan, summer, lameness, family, k.

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