Sep 14, 2006 21:52
so my computer's totally jacked. i might end up having to get a new one. every time i start it up it says "immenent harddrive failure." so thats not good. anyways, school is good- i really like my classes. i have an awful lot of reading this semester. church is good. i havent seen my dad in like two years going on two and a half years and i feel weird about that. it's a bizarre situation- like how do you go back to having a relationship with someone you should have been having a relationship with all along. it's weird. weird feelings. ...
i'm trying to memorize romans 6-8 and i'm halfway through 6. it's long, anybody up for memorizing it with me? it's pretty good stuff. then my plan is to memorize the sermon on the mount.
i've been going to the gym lately and i'm sore but it's good going. the biggest thing is that i go in the morning but i never wanna get outta bed. my own laziness is appalling to me sometimes. i might go back to morocco this year to work at that orphanage again for a week, so that will be cool.
i have these calanders i made up on the wall, there are four of them, september through dececmber- and so i can look up and see how much time there is left this semester, and it doesnt look like a lot even though it just started.i feel like school is going by really fast and i dont like that. i do like being an RA. the freshmen are really niceand they seem to listen to me and not think i'm a loser so that's cool. they're from all over- countries include: the dominican republic, spain, poland, america, morocco, france, zimbabwe, and romania. its pretty cool. i feel like everyone here speaks french except for me,so i think i'm gonna try to learn it.
i will end the post with languages i want to learn/speak well:
maybe english.
okay thats it. ive started using my gmail account- so if anyone cares: