May 14, 2005 16:57
DUDES!! i talked to my mamma and she said sleepover at my house is a go next saturday night. WOOHOO!! yeah, party over here. one thing though- my house is a two bedroom apartment, so its small, so be prepared to get cozy- and bring sleeping bags and movies and any and all snacks you may require. IM SO EXCITED. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ok- so lets say like seven thirty or eight at my house, yes? when the heck ever you wanna come. jeez. and for directions- call me or my mamma. i'll be home on tuesday like nightish- so call me- (7**) 729-5992 or 727-3770. got it? *im trying to protect my identity with the whole **thing. lol. AHH SO EXCITED. so then we can drive to church all together the next day and make a ruckus. YES! i have a DVD and a VHS player, so dont be afraid to go old school. AHHHH SO EXCITED!!!!!