In the las t 24 hours I think I've had one hour of sleep. Sad isn't it? Just laying there staring up into darkness knowing that you have to be at work at 7am, which is in like 2 hours.
I went out to see Meet the Fockers last night with Angie. She totally begged me to go with her so it wouldn't just be her and Brian. I kinda feel sorry for him, Angie's just leadin him on and she doesn't like him at all. It was cool to see him face to face, he's alright lookin'nice smile. I thought it would be a little weird to meet him face to face after talkin to him online just once, being the night before. I was right. It was a little weird, for me anyway I don't know about him.
I am sleep starved. I'm just sittin here fighting sleep tooth and nail because I know if I go to sleep now, I wont sleep tonight.
I got home from that movie and went to bed and I wasn't tired AT ALL...I didn't know what to do so I just laid there...for 5 hours. I was about to call in sick when my mom made me get ready anyway...I slept at work, that's where my one hour came from.
I think I might've hurt William's feeling when I told him that I didn't want him to come over Thursday. I haven't heard from him since that phone call. My mom says that I really need to call him. That's only because she likes him. It's alright though. I'll call him later on tonight or something to let him know that I didn't mean to hurt his feelings and that I don't hate him or something along those lines.
Denise being tired is like Denise being drunk. Watch out. I'm swaying like a drunk woman right now. That's prolly why I did some things that I'm not proud of back in January. Oops.
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