Sep 28, 2011 09:52
In just the 9 months that the Republicans have held power, we have seen:
*Consistent attacks and attempts to dismantle social safety programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and WIC;
*Call to dismantle organizations like Planned Parenthood that provide critical health care and family planning assistance to low income women and families across the nation;
*Bringing the government of the United States to the brink of complete and utter chaos not once but three times, just recently in this past week threatening a looming government shut down;
*Defense of a mind-numbing ideology that says a family of four, surviving on an income of $50,000 a year should pay more in tax percentage than a CEO making over a million dollars a year;
*Preventing the collective bargaining for public employees; and my personal favorite
*Preventing anyone from voting who does not agree with you. Many states including Wisconsin have passed draconian laws to curtail early voting, suppress and or prevent the elderly, students, people of color and low income people from voting …