i feel so much better now: brent called asking me what i want for christmas, & this is how our conversation went:
brent: so hey, what do you want for christmas?
me: i don't know... what do you want?
brent: i don't know either. what do you want?
me: .... i dunno.do you want a dvd, a cd, what?
brent: i kinda want the new bruce springsteen CD.
me: hahah! um, okay. he's old though. too old to still be playing music that a 20 year old college student in austin, texas wants. but okay.
brent: shut up, dillhole. what cd's do you want?
me: good charlotte, something corporate. something like that..
brent: okay. lets just agree to spend about $15-$20 on each other. deal?
me: sure thing.
brent: okay. now i need to talk to dad. love you. bye.
haha! man... i love my brother! he's an idiot half the time, & thinks he's mr. j. cool, but still, i love him, nonetheless.
gah! today's been so so incredibly good. christy, wendy, heidi AND kaylee all called me, & it was so nice to talk to each & every one of them.
i'm leaving at 5:45ish to go to kaylee's at 6:00, then we'll conjure up some idea of where to eat at, then hit blockbuster, & back to her house to watch the movies. its like a date. only its not. because kaylee's my FRIEND, you sicko.
tomorrow morning's church. & that makes me happy :) i get to see morgan & corey. mmmboy. ROCK ON! geez, i love those two people so so much.
sra k8 is showing me funny faces from her webcam. i'm like, "do this! ---> :D", & she does it. boo-yah! & crap on her, somewhat, because she has snow, & i don't. so sad.