Dec 16, 2004 11:17
hey guys i'm at work right now, and i'm pretty dang tired. i got 4 hours of sleep cuz i was up talking with my mum, she re-did my hair, and we tried dying it but haha... i'm gonna hafta re-do it again while i'm in utah. i have an aunt who really knows what she's doing when she dyes hair, as opposed to my mum and i trying to do it ourselves, hehe. but yeah. then i had to pack, but i already had the stuff to put into my bag. i'm only taking my legends soccer bag, and my sister's legend backpacks (cuz they decided to be kewl AFTER i became to old to play for them, so they bought new uniforms and backpacks... losers, i'm still bitter) but basically i only have one bag cuz in my sister's backpack i have all the cousins presents, all little stuff YES they fit in there. and i'm gonna hafta buy wrapping paper somewhere or something cuz i can't bring it with me, otherwise i'd look stupid on the train, lol. it won't be so bad. at least it's cheap. and that's it. i'm getting better and better at packing for trips and stuff. not only that, i'm not bringing as much stuff cuz i'm gonna do some mega shopping up there in park city, so i gotta leave some room for stuff i'm bringing back. well, plus my sister's backpack will be empty cuz it won't have presents in it anymore. yay!
let's see, what else? oh, i'm finally done with school as of yesterday at 1:30pm. i think i did okay yesterday in my poli sci final, i'm pretty sure i've got a C in that class, which is fine with me considering that's not my major. and i really hope i get a B in my physiological class cuz i really studied for that, but if not, i won't be heartbroken. and i know i have Bs in both my human development class and Mexican Lit class. so yay. but i know im gonna get sick sometime soon cuz my immune system has been under SO SO much stress lately and now most of it is gone, so... it's gonna let down. ACK! hopefully AFTER xmas break i'll get sick so i have time to recover, yeah? that'd be great, thanks.
and work is alright. i'm getting trained slowly but they don't wanna train me so much cuz i'm leaving for vacation for 10 days so its likely i'm gonna forget stuff, oops. wanyways... i'm really tired. i can't wait to leave. an hour and a half left til Elaine comes and picks me up from work. then we leave to anaheim. then i take the train from anaheim to san diego. and i'm nervous for some reason about that train ride. i know its safe, i've been on amtrak a few times already. but i just always worry. its abnormal for me not to have anything to worry about, so dont worry about me worrying, guys. its normal, believe or not. me normal. ha.
but yah im gonna go. i got some stuff to do at work, nothing big. and yeah. have a good one. call me! and happy holidays cuz i most likely wont have access to a computer while i'm there. ;)