Jun 08, 2006 14:36
I do not understand people. People are mean. People are judgemental. People are self-centered. People only care about themselves.
I understand that everyone only cares about themself; it's natural. It's possible to care about one other person- I mean really care about them. It's a lot of work to really care about someone else though. It takes a lot of time and discipline, so much time & discipline that you can only really care about one other person besides yourself.
Most people, though, don't even really care about one other person, they just care about themself.
Besides the fact that most people only care about themself, they don't even accept people that are different from them. Most people refuse to associate with someone who is not similar to themself. People are racist. People are biased. People are judgemental. But mostly, people are scared.
People are scared of change. People are scared of things that are different from themself. People hate to think that there is something besides themself that is acceptable. Most people forget that there are 6 billion other people out there, & every single one of them is different from them. People come in contact with someone a little bit different & they think that is so strange when there are millions of other people who are similar to that new person.
People judge people. People categorize people. People label people. Isn't life hard enough without doing all these things?
Everyone has their own problems. Everyone has flaws. We should just accept people as they are. There is good & bad in everyone.
I don't understand why a person will meet someone who is of different religion, race, age, mentality, sex, or anything and automatically assume they are inferior to themself. People think that they are better than everyone else & that they shouldn't have to be put in certain people's company because it is an insult to them.
I just don't understand.
Everyone is human. Everyone lives under the same sky. Everyone lives on the same earth. Everyone came from two parents & no one can control who their parents are. No one can control their own race. No one can control their own gender. No one can control their own age. No one can control their own sexuality. Why do we judge people on things they can't control?
I don't understand people.