I'm really tempted by your Jolteon canvas plush, but unfortunately I only have about 42 dollars on my bank account now. So I would like to ask if you would agree to do payment plan? I would put more money on my bank account in a few weeks (which is abroad, long story), and then I would pay for the rest.
But just to be sure: how much would he be shipped to Serbia (Europe)? :)
OH crap... According to Paypal's currency converter, I only have 40.10 dollars... so little missing... so I guess I'll have to wait a little with the payment... but I'll get on it as soon as possible!
But just to be sure: how much would he be shipped to Serbia (Europe)? :)
A payment plan would be fine, but how long would/how would you like to set it up? I need money rather soon, so I really can't wait too long :<
Well, I could send you 40, and later the rest, when I have it. I will try to put it on my bank account as fast as possible. How does that sound?
Payment breakdown would then look like this:
Payment #1
$40 + 1.46 in Paypal fees= $41.46
Payment #2:
Shipping = $5.39 +$9 + .72 in paypal fees =$15.11
I'd ship your Jolty as soon as the last payment was received.
So if you could give me your email address, so I can send the first part, and hopefully very soon the second? Thank you! :)
So it would be 35 + Paypal fees, okay?
$35 + 1.35 in Paypal fees= $36.35
Payment #2:
Shipping = $5.39 +$14 + .89 in paypal fees =$20.28
Also, when can you ship him? :)
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