Jan 30, 2008 19:53
All right so I thought yay new year, everything will get better! I have a good job, great boyfriend and friends, two funny babies (my kitties). I love my new home town and have been here a year now (still don't know how to get to one-forth of the places and what all there is to do). But nope not happening to be the best start to the year. First off I have been sick since New Year's Eve with some type of flu/cold thing. (I bitty my hunny since I can be a really bitch when I am sick, but he is taking it like a trooper). It has now turned into a sinus infection. So the meds for the doc should help that (I am all about wishful thinking). Well I also had the stomach flu for 4 days (still dehydrated from that). The worst part is my left shoulder still hasn't gotten better from my auto accident last May. I went to an ortho doc, and need further testing (arthrogram or a MRI with contrast dye for my non-med friends) then a follow up with my doc. The doc thinks it is torn labrum (the fibrous ring that holds the head of your arm bone in the sock of the shoulder blade by making the socket deeper; again for you non-med friends). I am torn (ha-ha I made a funny!) on if I am happy or not. I am happy I may finally know what is wrong, but not cuz if it is my labrum then it can only be fixed by surgery; o’well I will survive, what doesn’t kill us makes us strong and all that jazz.
Happy note, I got to see good friends over the weekend and have some fun. It was a good distraction for the short time that it was.