Title: Reason
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Anthony/Ian
Genre/Warnings: Angst
Summary: What do you do if your best friend dies? (Set in the universe of "
What It Was Before")
A/N: If you haven't read "
What It Was Before", then it would be best to do that first before reading this. It would make more sense plus this one-shot completely spoils the longer fan fic
Read more... )
I really, really love this. That's the only way I can react. I wish I could react more properly but...my mind is blown... :P Stop writing so damn well. (Actually, no, don't! I need this stuff!)
So... yeah... they've got two asses to kiss. Mine and yours. LOLOL!
Anyway! I'm happy you liked it! And I guess I'll write more since now I've got a dependent and all. :P
Tehehe...well written porn. That's my kind of porn! :P
It's true...I'm addicted, now. Thanks! You better write something else before I get all sweaty and shaky. Or you could hold me. That would work. ;) lol
My friends assume the same thing so I just start spamming them with good fics until they shut up. I've actually impressed a few of them with some classics on the net. I even once sent a fanfic to one of my teachers in high school. LOL! I'm too passionate about fanfics. XD
And... I could do both for you if you'd like. ;)
Inuyasha! I used to watch the American dubbed version and I'm sure the Japanese version is better seeing as how the North American versions always cut out violent scenes, or ANY good scenes from anime.
And I would LOVE to read it >:B
LOL no, I didn't send them smut. But I was tempted to!
And LOL again because I just had a picture of me holding onto a wet rack of abs and me frivolously writing with my other hand. HAHAHAH!!!
I miss Inuyasha...I kind of grew out of it when I started watching FMA. (My favorite pairing EVER is Ed and Roy!!!)
Send a teacher smut! LOL
I'm not even going to look at it. It makes me want to puke. LOL! God *so embarrassed* I distinctly remember getting a review that pointed out my obvious inconsistencies and my 13 year old heart just died.... >_<
I hope no one reads this comment (except you) and no one reads the story.
Sending naughty fanfic to teachers should be the new Senior week prank. :P
And oh my goodness...you are so funny. I was choking laughing at your comment. When I was writing that, I was giggling to myself because I knew you were gonna laugh or load the heaviest object you could find into a canon, aim it at Baltimore all the way from Canada, and bop me on my silly head. :P
But...I could hold you while you wrote. ;) That would be easiest.
And I think you would make a great chair. ;D
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