Jan 09, 2006 01:27
ok so seeing tommy really is bugging me out and making me think about a lot of shit. we never dated and quite frankly i would consider us enemies, but i can't stop thinking about the situation. part of me wants to take him and fuck the shit out of him and leave his ass hanging...is this some sort of sick dominatrix thing? i'm not 14 anymore--i'm damn near 26--little over a month...i've been craving sex more with john lately but he's making excuses and HE MASTURBATES! that little fucker has the nerve to look at girls online but can't take the whole what 5 minutes he lasts to fuck me? WTF???????
I wonder if this is it. Is this really the guy for me? I mean I dream about Tommy Huff all the time. He pissed me off so bad but he's not bad looking. Weird ass shit. I hope he comes back to see me so we can go out and talk. I just want the truth. He said the only way he recognized me was my chicken pox scar on my forehead and my eyes. Well fuck aren't I just one sexy little redhead versus the old braces, toothpick, blonde Tar Rat!!!!!!!
I still have the hots for Reymundo he's my coworker from Mexico he drives cars and is married 2 years with a baby girl. He told me one day he was getting divorced so ya know i chased him and finally confronted him and he said he was kidding. MEN SUCK. Stupid fucking mind twisters.
Sometimes I feel I only want a baby. maybe cause i'm adopted and don't know my real parents or b/c i have maternal instincts. i don't want the man, just the baby. but i don't want a "sperm donor" i don't want some hill billy redneck shit genes.
I wanted to have Jesse's baby but he's involved with a girl now and that'd be fucked up. Me and Corey's kid'd be cute but have terrible ADD. Sky fell off the face of the earth and I really don't understand him never have never will but we'd have some cute blonde little monsters. wHY ARE men so fucked up? they toy with our emotions. those fuckers. one minute john wants sex the next minute i'm too horny for him. okay so i went on prozac i am hornier now. big fucking deal fuck me damnit
i started taking prozac to stabilize my moods. my pms is so bad i grabbed a knife and wanted to throw it at john but threw it in the sink and broke some dishes. i HATE PMS i can't control it...they need to up the prozac dose
i need my friends. WTF happened to car???????? her phone is disconnected. Sky calls me and leaves me a text message on X-mas. Fuck you guys fucking ignore me this is bullshit. I think about you two EVERY DAY. I miss you it fucking hurts my damn feelings. I know you people read this shit and don't reply. At least have the decency to call me 248-1311 you know the Area Code. my friends in cali suk ass. cali suks ass.
i'm fucking done here somebody talk to me shit chad thanks for being there for me all the time. but damn unless i get pregnant or go nuts no one else pays attention....ASHLEY...CODY...SKY...CAR...JOEL...LIZ...JC (calls me for #'s)...Fuck people don't alienate my ass i miss you guys i think about you don't i? i'm fucking talking about you. Fuck I don't know if Car is alive...in Japan...tally? fucking where IS CAR?????????????????? damnit.