Feb 11, 2005 12:04
Well, I'm alive! Things were pretty rough for a while, and after a lot of resituation in my life and getting some of my priorities straightened out, life is getting a little less hectic and I'm feeling like I'm getting back to my normal self, slowly but surely!
I definitely think I overwhelmed myself my first year here so far, last semester was just nuts, and for me to have tried Organic Chem & Human Phys. in the same semester, would not have been a good idea. If it wasn't for me having a breakdown last Wednesday after my Human Phys. test to my mom, I never would be as better as I am now. She called Dr. Chase & Dr. Ball for me, and first thing we did was drop Organic chem, I can take it next year, and it won't set me back at all or anything. So, for the second half of the semester, I'll be taking Volleyball!! :o)
I'm also switching rooms..and just moving down the hall. It's a lot to do with me, I have a lot of things I need to figure out, and my best bet would be to just have my own space for now to figure things out and get myself together..because I'm definitely not right now.
While we're on the topic of Alma, congrats Lauren on getting your bid and getting into Alpha Xi Delta! :o)
And in even better news, Softball has officially started, and I am SO happy! I might be losing sleep ( a LOT of it), especially from our ten to midnights, but I love this team, and am learning so much! And yesterday, I got asked to go to Florida with the team for Spring Break! Mind you, there's about 40-something softball players, and he's only taking 24 or 25! I was so excited!!!! I could care less if I play, I want to obviously, but sitting in Ft. Meyers is a gooood break for me!
After practice today I'm going home for the weekend, I definitely have to get some studying and work done while I'm there, so I don't have to worry about it all on Sunday when I get back! Lots of shopping this weekend for my room!
Oh yeah..Dave's flight left for Australia yesterday morning, so I'm sure he's there by now, I didn't think I'd miss him as much as I do..it's rediculous. He came and saw me before he left school on Monday, and honestly, it was one of the hardest goodbye's and things I've ever had to do. We both cried, and the things he said to me were NOT what I wanted to hear right before he left, and by best I won't see him until June! I don't know what it is about that guy, he just does something to me..even though he's broken my heart, and still has his girlfriend, I can't get over him, and the way he talks to me and treats me now really makes me wonder how strong of a relationship he has with her..ugh.
Well, I'm going to Dusen for lunch with Sami, so yeah..have a great weekend everyone!