Title: All of Time and Space (2/?)
orangedcgirl Genre: SHINee/Doctor Who semi-crossover (though not really. more of a character replacement?)
Pairing: JongKey
Rating: G
Summary: From the outside the car seems normal enough. On the inside, however, it's a different world entirely.
A/N: PART TWO wow I was actually not sure I would get to this, but I'm proud that I did. Kibum's first look inside Jonghyun's TARDIS. Based more off of Ten's than Eleven's, if you were wondering. Though not identical.
From the outside the car seems normal enough, if a bit pretentious. White Porsche Carrera, brand-new, the windows tinted so dark they seem opaque. On the inside, however, it's a different world entirely.
"What the fuck," Kibum says simply, staring.
This is not the passenger's seat of a two-seater Porsche; Kibum is sitting in a leather reclining chair at the dashboard of what looks like the nightmarish brainchild of Frank Lloyd Wright and a fifties-era science fiction writer. The walls are lined with large metal rivets, and space-age columns stretch from ceiling to floor and wall to wall, seemingly without any architectural guidance whatsoever.
There is a loaf of bread on a glowing panel in front of him. Kibum eyes it warily, as if it might start to move. He can't say it would surprise him very much at this point.
"So?" asks Jonghyun, smiling cockily at him. "What do you think?"
Kibum stands up and turns around, surveying the rest of the place in astonishment. The dashboard in front of him is covered with knobs and levers and little bits of apparently functionless metal contraptions, and some things are glowing dully.
Kibum pushes a button experimentally. It chirps at him. "It's..."
Jonghyun leans back on the control panel, arms crossed, one eyebrow smugly arched. "It's....?"
Kibum blinks, once again tries to form a coherent thought. "It's..." He takes a breath and says "really messy," at the same time Jonghyun mouths "bigger on the inside."
There's a pause, then Jonghyun says, "Wait, what?"
"Seriously," says Kibum, fiddling with one of the levers. "When was the last time you cleaned?" He pulls his hand away and wrinkles his nose in disgust.
"Let me get this straight," says Jonghyun slowly, leaning on the console next to Kibum and looking him straight in the eyes. "You're in a time machine. Have you ever been in a time machine before?" Kibum opens his mouth to speak and Jonghyun puts a finger over his lips to silence him. Kibum looks indignant and jerks his face away.
"That's what I thought. So why," Jonghyun continues, shoving his hands in his pockets and putting his face right up to Kibum's, scrutinizing him. Kibum glares. "Why is it that the only thing you can say is 'it's messy'? Look around! It's bigger on the inside!" He frowns. "You didn't say that. I'm disappointed. I like it when they say that."
"They?" Kibum tries to say, but Jonghyun moves to shut his mouth again and Kibum ducks to avoid his hand. "Stop that!"
"I mean, you're in a time machine," Jonghyun says again, throwing his hands up in disbelief. "The least you could say is 'oh wow cool' or 'how does it work?' or 'I like the paint job, looks nice.' You know?" He crosses his arms again and stares at Kibum with something akin to a pout.
"Okay," says Kibum, rolling his eyes. "I'm sorry."
"Thank you."
Silence. Kibum flicks at something on the dash and it screeches. He yanks his hand back, startled, and Jonghyun laughs.
"Shit," says Kibum.
Jonghyun reaches across Kibum and presses a button, flips a switch, yanks a lever. The lights dim slightly as the giant glass tube in the center of the console glows brighter, and Jonghyun smirks.
"So," he muses, almost to himself, holding down a button while his left hand dances across a strange-looking keyboard. He glances at Kibum, then back to the console. "Where are we going first?"
Kibum shrugs, arms crossed. "I don't know. You're the time traveler, you decide. But," he adds quickly, "If you take me anywhere with flesh-eating anything, I swear to god I will lock you out and leave them to it."
"Space Florida it is, then!" Jonghyun says cheerfully, and yanks a spinning dial.
The time machine jerks sharply and Kibum loses his footing, slamming backwards into the leather passenger's seat. Jonghyun laughs delightedly and flips another switch.
Everything banks to the left, and Kibum scrabbles for a handhold on the console to avoid being thrown. Jonghyun laughs again, maniacally, and for the first time Kibum legitimately wonders what he's gotten himself into.
The console in front of him shudders violently, something squeals, and Kibum holds on for dear life.
part one | part two | part three