Aug 16, 2008 20:59
Oral sucked >( Ms Ang told me to read more 华文报纸 because what I wanted to say 都讲不出来!But I hope my content was acceptable. /WOE/ok, i don't want to talk about it anymore, or i will get super annoyed. Haizzz, Shuzhen got the flu. Zoey also has flu too. I wonder if I spread my virus to them (OLIVIRUSOLIVIRUS)
BUT TODAY WAS REALLY REALLY FUN♥ Izzati and I typed the events that happened to the band for the Yearbook. And we wanted to play for a while, then continue with scrapbook, but in the end, we didn't ( ° З°) and instead, joined the band to play Iris and March Blue Sky. SO PROUD OF THE CLARINETTES! we played well and on time, at least (°υ °) but I must stop squeaking...and phrasing & dynamics can be more improved. ♥Rosemund; she's so cute! The Sec3s (Audrey, Izza, Rosie, Nicolette & Rachel- Woon, CX, Mingy & Chris, wherever you were (in bed or otherwise) hope you enjoyed your day of break... (=ε =);; ) had this little mini combined because we miss our instruments so much♥ Was fun okay! We played pieces like Doraemon •ω• (Mrs Chua said it's a semiquaver beat- not a triplet; I played wrongly :P;;), March Blue Sky (again!), Sunset by Lakeside, Pecos Pueblo (couldn't find my score so I played anyhow), yaddayadda♪
Went out after that with Joan Chua, Rosie and Keziah to Bugis (>▼<) to eat and buy Joan's acrylic paint. But somehow we went to the National Library too. Hehes, Rosie & Kez studied a bit, but not me. not my fault, i just didn't have the mood to study (even though the environment was damn nice- the Courtyard with all the plants) so I continued with the Yearbook thing again. *PEACE* (=ε =)v I took photos with Fisheye along the way because the scenery was nice. (okay this Roslina refused to smile in front of my lomo even though I know fully well that she LOVES to camwhore) Kez said Phelps won again by 0.01 seconds!!!! WAH ultimate coolness 8D
Bought Strawberry Milk Tea bubble tea (MY FAV) and rode the MRT with Rosie & Joan to Clementi just to waste time. VISIT ROSLINA'S BLOG FOR MORE INFO!!
Then I went to Church. OKOK, today's topic was about our Redeemer & how people are Christians but still continue to sin (like HATE people, LUST over porn& items, spread LIES, etc) Doing all these really are pleasing the Devil, especially when you are supposedly in God's side. OKOK so from now on I won't hate people anymore, I'll just say stuffs like 'I don't like him/her' but not 'hate'. Sounds illogical to some, but that is what the Bible says- LOVE YOUR ENEMIES. It's very difficult to not sin, because temptation in this world is so great. But we won't give up= NLYMspirit.
At least your heart won't be filled with unhappiness, compared to those who hate and say ugly things behind people's backs. Even if people hate you, I guess the correct thing to do is not to stop caring for him/her. Haha, I've gone to some Church where people still discriminate/ spread hate among each other. So contradicting to the Bible.
Failed attempt at spreading the Gospel? Christianity really makes sense, to me at least. If you are interested to come to our friendly & fun church, contact meeee!! XD
A few days I had this super late night MSN convo with Yanyao (from 11-12.30 pm). Really love her! TRUE FRIEND :') We also plan to go Mus'Art after I finish my O'Level next year, or maybe next next year. HEE SO FUN! but first I must fix my squeaking problem. Haizzz I really don't know what is wrong. Rosie wants to go to SOKA & SNYO though (= ~ =) 加油加油!
Hmmmm I haven't been listening to J-music recently (T x T) Currently J-dramas are my priority.HEHEHEHEEHHE CODE BLUE! TATTA HITOTSU NO KOI!
clarinet section,
beijing olympic,