Dec 04, 2006 15:57
I just went to a Death Cab for Cutie concert and get this- nobody was drunk.
And the crowd sucked. Death Cab was amazing; they are insane live! But the lame-ass crowd, like, didn't cheer or anything? I am a loud person naturally, but to be the loudest person in the entire place...I was fucking pissed.
I need to get drunk to make up for their un-drunkenness.
But I did get Heather and I cute little shirts. Mine is yellow with a pencil that says DEATH and little cursive print CAB FOR CUTIE. It's the shit.Heather got a plain black one with a lovely lil' suitcase. It's the shit too.
We did look cute at the concert. She has this sumptuous white fur coat and scarf thing that looks just gorgeous on her. I was like, awwwwwww! I'm so glad my friends are pretty.
Okay, fess up time, I looked dorky. XD I had on this bright pink coat with flowers and shit; I looked, like, four. But that didn't stop the little emo boys (ie Sam) from getting my number. But don't worry folks, this one ain't going anywhere. We talked just long enough for him to establish that I don't have texting anymore and the deal was done. I was rejected. 'Cause I didn't have texting. Gotta love those emos.
Hmmmm, oh yeah! I was next to the most squishycuteomfgmine couple ever. They were gay. And I accidentally hit on one, before I knew he was gay. Stop your laughing. It happens all the time. To me. Anyway, we chatted and gushed sporatically throughout the concert, a real bonding moment.
I <3 dancing with Heather. Neither of us really know what the hell to do, so we just jump up and down and sway our hips. Waywaywayfun. We are defintly dancing more often.
But now I'm sick. At first I thought it was some form of hungoverness, but its just a filthy sickness. So now I'm stuck nursing my Jamba Juice and sucking on $10.00 worth of cough drops. That's a lot of cough drops, trust me.
Blake still has my pink headband and I want it back! ><'''''' I can't remember how he even got it. Damnit. I miss him; he's a hoot.
I just sneezed, like, just this second. And it sounded funny. >>' Fucking whatever.
This day sucks.