(no subject)

Feb 12, 2011 21:04

forever ll junseung ll G ll 602 words;
A little Valentine surprise

 “Seungie-hyunggg!” Yoseob’s bright voice rang loudly from the living room as Hyunseung stepped into the dorm.

The dancer let out a little sigh. He was exhausted. Dance practice ran twice as long as he expected, and Haw pushed him more than ever. All he wanted to do was collapse into his bed and sleep.

“Yes, seobie?” Hyunseung turned the corner to see the said male playing with Doojoon’s hair. The boy looked up and grinned.

“Hyung said to go to check your bed.” There was a mischievous glint in the vocalist’s eyes.

Yoseob. Secretive grin. Michief. Not good.

“Hyung who?” Hyunseung asked as he turned towards the bedroom, eyebrows quirked up as his mind went through a mental runthrough of the past few days. Did he give the younger boy any reason to take revenge on him?

“Hyu-” Yoseob’s words were cut off by giggles, and Hyunseung could only roll his eyes as he stepped into the shared bedroom. Doojoon could be such a child at times.

The room was a mess, as per usual. With their recent busier-than-usual schedule, the members had no time to clean up this space. The cleaning lady that took care of their dorm had agreed when the boys asked her to leave the bedroom as it was, feeling uncomfortable of what she’d find if she did go through the room. Plus, they doubt she’d know which clothes belonged to who.

Feeling slightly paranoid by Yoseob’s secretive behaivor, Hyunseung stepped carefully around the cluttered floor. All their beds were unmade, as usual, and Junhyung’s coke from a week ago was still sitting on the computer table.

Tsk. Nags all the time, but doesn’t clean up after himself.

Hyunseung looked around once more, eyes and hands scanning his bed. There was nothing under his pillow, and nothing under his covers. And then he saw it.

A pink sticky note between Junhyung’s and his beds.


Hyunseung closed his eyes as a gust of cold air hit his face when he opened the door to the rooftop. It wasn’t snowing in Seoul, but it might as well have been with this temperature, the dancer thought bitterly as he wrapped his jacket around him tighter and tucked his chin deeper into his scarf.

One step, two step, the doe-eyed boy scanned the vacant rooftop, seeing no sign of anything special. The plastic balcony chairs were still in the same place Beast left them, and Kikwang’s pile of rocks that was suppose to resemble a ‘snowman’ was still in the corner of the roof.

Turning around, a flash of pink caught the dancer’s eye. Looking back, Hyunseung saw an envelope taped to the back of the rooftop door. He took a step closer, and peeled the envelope off the door.

My princess :)

Blushing as he smiled a little smile, he slowly made his way to the table beside the door. Ripping his way into the envelope, he pulled out a note and a picture.

A year and a half down, forever to go. I love you, babe.


Hyunseung looked at the picture and smiled. It was the selca he took with Junhyung just days ago. The younger male was pressing a kiss against Hyunseung cheek as the latter slowly woke up.

“You like?”

Hyunseung heard the voice before he felt the arms around him, and quickly wiped the tears he didn’t know he was shedding away. He turned around and gave the rapper a sweet smile.

“I do.” His smile only grew wider as the rapper leaned down to pull him into a chaste kiss.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, princess.”

AN: i know, I know. This is so cliche, but it's valentine's day! ><

School's been taking over my life, so I never had the chance to write. I'M SORRY! Please forgive me for writing so...ooc. >< I'm a bit rusty.

The promised fics are coming! I'm sorry for taking so long! ><

Comments are loved. ^^

oh, and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! hehe. I love you all! Hopefully, I'll get a dooseob out tmr, but no promises. ><



fandom: beast, pairing: hyunseung/junhyung, !fanfiction

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