Jan 03, 2008 10:43
We finally outsmarted our cat Ricky. He figured out how to open up the drawers in Abby's dresser where her socks were. He has a sock fettish. So he ruined all of her socks. We were having to just keep the bedroom door closed but every now and then we would forget or he would sneek in and have a ball with all her socks. Well we have now outsmarted him. We put all her socks in a wipe container in the drawer. He can't open it! so now we can leave the door open and not worry. He keeps opening all the drawers looking for the socks but he hasn't figured it out yet. Plus he won't be able to open it if he does. moo ha ha. love being smarter then the cat.
So its 2008. Abby is 6 months old. She's growing so fast. She's such a cutie. Her new thing is screaming. Matt and her had a screaming contest yesterday on video. Its quiet funny. She has 2 teeth coming in and is eating peas and carrots now. Next week is a fruit. But for now its peas and carrots. I'm debating about entering her into this Parents mag/Regis and Kelly live most beautiful baby thing. We could win like $100 or something like that. I looked at the gallery of photos on there and I think Abby is cuter then most of them. Though I am partial cause she is my daughter. hmm yes. But which picture do I choose? hmm yes.
I cna't believe its already 2008. it just seems like time has flown by. and way to fast. every day just speeds by. the holidays have been nice though. Actually seeing Matt for days in a row has been a nice. Plus I'm no longer working till 11. yey. So I at least get to see him for like a half hour each night.
I'm so proud of us. Our house is incredibly clean right now. very organized too. But I now need to make a trip to goodwill to empty out the junk in my car. yeah. I also need to go pick up Abby's santa pictures.