Jan 31, 2006 17:57
This past winter break, I went up to NJ to stay with my mother for a couple weeks. I spent a good time in PA.I went skiing and snowboarding in PA. It was awesome. Both were very fun, but snowboarding was by far the more difficult to learn. I also visited NYC; I loved it. It was awesome. I hope to get an internship there, or maybe abroad somewhere, next summer. Overall, I really enojyed my vacation.
So far, the semester is going well. I am taking MMC2100 Writing for Mass Communication, ADV3000 Elemnts of Advertising, MAR3023 Principles of Marketing, and MAP2302 Differential Equations (math double major, or minor, i don't know yet if either). Writing is going well. The lab is Wednesdays 7:20-10:20 p.m. (that's AP writing style kicking in lol), which kind of sucks, but it's ok because I have a chance to relax before I go into a three-hour block. I got a 95 on my first graded lab, and I hope it goes just as well tomorrow, when I find out what I got on Lab 3 (our first taste of news writing, even though I took journalism in high school for two years). Advertising is fairly easy and somewhat interesting, but no grades yet. Our first quiz is next class, Thursday. Marketing, I've got my points for the first two quizzes, but I haven't watched lectures. I'm going to try Smokin' Notes and Tutoring Zone for the first exam, and see how that goes. from there I'll determine whether or not it's worth it to watch the lectures. Diif Eq. is going well, I got a 10/10 on my first quizzes and first two HW assignments, and tomorrow I find out what I got on my first exam. Hopefully, I did well, although there is one question I wasn't too sure about. Oh well, I'll find out tomorrow. Overall, all else is well. Went to Miami this past weekend to visit the familia. Hitched a ride with Christina, came back to Gainesville yesterday. I've been going to the gym several times a week, working out and running, which is good. Overall, the semester is going well. I hope it continues to go this good, and that I get A's across the board (we'll see about that lol).