How many times have you avoided downloading something because you thought you wouldn't like it? And then downloaded it anyway and been pleasantly surprised? Or been sent something you thought you'd hate, but ended up loving? We form so many opinions on bands we've never heard - or have heard only one song from - that we lose opportunities to discover awesome music.
My friend
sugardares created a community called
anonsound to give people a chance to discover new songs, bands and artists in a different kind of way.
Each post has a theme, and contains 3-6 songs that pertain to that theme. The kicker? We're not telling you what they are. Want to know more about the comm? Join, and then read the FAQ. It's not as strange as it may seem.
Yeah, so, in a nutshell: GO JOIN IT.
anonsound anonsound anonsound anonsound --
By the way, this is bluecardigan. I got a rename token. Sorry if this confused you.