Jan 01, 2011 13:53
Overall, I think I had a great year. As with every year that comes and goes, there were ups and downs. Through the rollercoaster ride, I was able to learn and grow more into the person I want to be. I made it through the some of the hardest parts of my life that included working 60+ hrs a week for 4 months without being paid, having my heart broken by a guy I was crazy about, losing people I considered friends, and the sudden death of my Grandma Betty.
Although those were some nasty lows, there were some incredible highs... finally finding that I am good by just being me (that by just being me, is great), finally feeling comfortable in my skin, finishing my Master's degree!, singing live on Channel 4 for Thanksgiving, making lasting memories with the people who are important in my life, and enjoying the path my life has taken.
I am excited to see what adventures are to come in 2011. I am sure there will be epic highs and some treacherous lows, but through them all I welcome the challenge to learn and grow more as a person. It's an exciting time. I always enjoy the optimism the New Year brings!