And the Winner Is!

Sep 25, 2009 09:13

I'm in a show. It runs the first 3 weekends of Oct. Come see it!!!!

It's Mitch Albom's "And the Winner Is"

All thoughts and qualms with Mitch aside, it's a good show and I think you'll enjoy it.

In other news. I'm writing my thesis! I've been advised to look into my Ed Specialist certification then transition right into my PhD. I think I may want to get my PhD somewhere else so that I can become a tenure professor at Wayne.. but then again I could become a professor at UofM or Oakland and stay local. I'm not sure yet. I also want to go somewhere else for my PhD so that I can experience some other location. I have much to consider and a year or so to look into it. I don't want to wait on getting my doctorate because the longer I wait, the harder it will be to go back. So why not just do it now?
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