It's strange, the way I've changed in the past year. I'm doing all sorts of things I never imagined doing, and I've had to adjust the way I think. That sounds so vague. I'll try to explain. Perhaps using lists would work.
Things I am doing that I never expected to do
- Participating in a CSA (community supported agriculture), receiving a lot of vegetables I've never eaten before, cooking the vegetables and even enjoying most of them. :D
- Practicing elimination communication with my baby, which basically means I try to read her signals for needing to go potty and put her on a potty before she wets her diaper. It's more about the communication between us than the success of "catching the pee", so we're doing pretty well.
- Preparing (I'm using a lot of P words, aren't I?) to create my first quilt. I never had any interest in quilting before going to a quilt show with my mother in law. Some quilts are truly works of art.
- Taking the initiative in making friends. This one may seem silly, but I'm usually one of those people who will only say hi to you if you say hi first.
- Making my own bread twice a week, thanks to the lovely bread machine we bought while I was pregnant.
Lyra has learned how to crawl and how to pull herself up. Whenever I'm in the kitchen and put her down in the living room to play with her toys, it's only a matter of time before I see her head poking around the corner. Sometimes I find it endearing, other times annoying. Still, putting her in a cage isn't my parenting style, so when she demonstrates that she is just trying to be with me and I'm going to be in the kitchen a long time, I put her in her sling or moby wrap.
Also, we introduced her to a few sign language signs about a month ago and have been trying to use them ever since. In the past week or so, I picked up a couple of Signing Time DVDs from the library. They're designed for babies and young children, and Lyra just loves them! Sometimes when we're hanging out in the living room with the TV off, she'll look at the TV and stretch out her arms and move her fingers. Alex and I were confused about what that, but I figured it out yesterday when I turned on Signing Time. As soon as the theme song came on, she started doing it again. It's beyond adorable! As far as signing goes, I think she's tried to do "milk" but it's hard to tell.