
Jul 13, 2005 16:15

One boy keeps calling, while I go call another one, another boy who I wish was actually calling me. Do I dare go there again? (with his "Superhero" interests and quiet, sweet manners.

Yesterday my Universal Studios pass expired~Damnit!!! I love it there and at DisneyLand.
Maybe thats it! I'm still a little girl on the inside. And that okay, but just to a certain extent~righ? I mean itz time for me to grow up....learn how to drive~get a liscense (learn how to spell that?)~read the newspaper daily, watch the news (not including MTV News)~ Speak another language~start savin and usin my the money I earn for more significant things~make better choices~get up off my lazy, procrastinatin ass and grow the f*ck up!!!How can I accomplish things by just wichin on a new star each night?
Itz timeto grow up it!!!
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