Yo yo yo....V-day is comin up righ righ!!! And I am sooooooo NOT excited. Valentine's Day is not a day I go all out for, but I am giving Spiderman V-cards to everyone in the building-so that makes me a good person. *cheese* Goooooo spiderman!!! Everyone should just go out and love some one on Monday, but not without watching the Grammy's on Sunday evening, because guess who's gonna win an award? Thats right, you got it.......John Mayer!!!!!!!!! Uh-huh, uh-honh, uh-honh.. this my sh*t, all the girls stomp ya feet like this...... (I love Gwen Stefani's new album)
Next.........I am going to talk about Ba-lackkkkkkkkkkk History Month!!!!! Yaya!!!! Itz swept across the states and now itz everywhere.... (the question) "What is Black Love?" haha, j/k No, but really I am all about this celebration now more than ever before. I love being Black, lol and I wanna know more about Black history n' so forth. Ya know, get to the roots and bring them all up to now...
hahaha oops! But really though this is such a special month for African Americans, as well as Chinese Americans.....did somebody say Happy Chinese New year??? wha wha!!!!
Next........Today, I am going to go stay at my friend Nikki's house for the weekend. Yes, yes....she is taking me to "The Bathrooms" (Los Banos, CA-North Cali thang) lol, I can't wait to see her viscious Rotweiler and get attacked!!! Sounds like Finch's killer pitbull, was her name "Sandy" or "Mass-Murderer that was put in jail for life, but died and was reincarnated as a pitbull...named Sandy"??? I don't know, we have to ask Miss Kasey Ahrens-Gradilla-Moser about that one!
Next.....My homie-G Christina, aka "Bagwell", wants to go to Canada for Spring Break....I say "Hmmmm, then I envision it....
Fun road trip for our lil gang, ya know like....
(yay!!!).....but then I saw this................
and I was like ewwwwww-POTn' what not. Well I will have to think about Canada............(thinkin).........(ladidadidadida).....NOPE!!!! I would much rather go to
this D-Land is in Paris!!!! Interesting isn't it? Yes, yesit tis in deed.
Well, I better be off now, got some packing, cleansing, and eating to do. "...Don't you just love everyday?" (Pieces of April) Asta Pasta Peoples****