May 25, 2004 19:49
as we all know already i hate being labeled a girl..woman....chick...etc. its all stupid. it doesnt really mean anything in my opinion. it means that i have a vagina and a period every month. so what?
im sick and tired of people thinking that it really means something. just because im a woman does not mean that i wear make up. nor does it mean that i should wear make up. shit, i dont even know how to put on make up!!! im tired of being expected certain things. i really dont like people making these expectations. especially these ridiculous ones. i know for a fact that a lot of girls dont always keep their legs smooth. i, myself, dont ALWAYS keep them smooth. right now im real sick of all of that crap. some of my aunts and uncles really really find it odd that i dont wear certain things that my cousins do. they categorize all of the young people in one certain area. but its just not true. just because me and lolenie are the same age doesnt mean that were the same. just because me and enola are around the same age doesnt mean that we get along. in fact... me and enola are real different. not just in appearance because shestall and im just ...yeah...we all know that im hella short...but its more than that. they find it odd that i dress the way i do. they think just because im young girl means that i should be showing off my skin. theyve even asked me why i dont like to wear things like shorts and dresses. its just a sexist world out there. i really noticed that in the philippines. girls were expected to do this and that and boys were expected to do other things. it sickened me...but what sickened me was how narrow minded people were and how important appearance was. it was like theyve never heard of anyone who didnt believe in god....a lesbian was new to them....a young girl who didnt wear tight clothes was odd. i hated it. well onto other things that i hate that are expected just because of gender. men arent expected to cry and when tehy do theyre thought of as weak. i hate that. everyone cried sooner or later. even i cry....although most people would think im the type of person that holds it in or something. but im not...if anyone were to ask me id give an honest answer. girls are expected to cook and clean or something. i barely know how to cook. i freaking hate cleaning. i guess its just people and the whole image thing. i hate images. certain people want this type of image or that. i know how it is. i used to work on that whole stupid "tough girl" image. i liked the image...but thats all it was. an image. nothing more. i wouldnt admit to liking movies like youve got mail because it was a lovey dovey movie. i played that image so well that people expected certain things from me right away. they didnt expect me to show a lot of feelings. i dont see why anyone would want that image. i dont see why jenifer wants it at all. but playing htat image to the point when people just dont expect a lot of emotions from you is just sad. i try not to fit into any image. still not very girly...but i try not to fit into the tomboy image. people waste their time with appearance way too much. some people let other people get to them so much that its pathetic...especially when i have to hear about it. i try to be there for all of my friends when they need me...even when its stupid and pathetic...but with some people its just real unnecessary with what theyre sad over. somewhere along the lines havent they heard of just not caring about what other people think? when i try to have them see it my way they usually agree. it seems like i have my point prooven but later on they just go back to their old foolish ways. i just dont understand how some people can be.
i definitly can relate to this entry. i seriously hate it how people have the typical thoughts of women/girls. not all women are the same. not all women wear make up. not all women wear dandy fluffy dresses. not all women watch and listen to beyonce. not all women idolize christina aguilera.
just like how people think women cannot do a men's job. a "men's job" can be anyone's job. people can't think women can get down and dirty in doing mechanics or janitorial work? people that seriously think this way are just so opinionated. i mean, seriously. why do people do this? because the majority of women are just so feminine? not all women turn out to be feminine. some women are more versatile and are more comfortable being versatile. i can safely say that i am a more versatile person. i enjoy doing things of both sexes, such as gaming, or what not. i enjoy doing things my brothers do. so what? as lauren said, i hate how people from the philippines expect so much. like relatives expect me to wear make up? they expect me to eat healthy because im a girl? dude. i don't always eat healthy. i don't keep my weight up, though i try to and i am trying to. (since heck, i'm overweight, about 142 pounds now. remind me that i'm on a diet and get mad at me if i eat something that has a lotta carbs in it).
ANYWHO, enough about my weight. everything that lauren has said is really true. people expect too much from girls. just because i'm a girl does not mean that i always will do chores. sure, i DO do my chores. men must do chores themselves. they really shouldn't rely on the women to always do that. haha, talk about joe and i. joe told me that he'll do the chores when we get married (AHHAHAHA, yes, people, we already thought about our future, so get off my nuts).
just because guys like cars, guys think that girls can't be interested in that stuff. just because guys often drive fast, does not mean girls cannot drive fast. what's with that, dude? do guys thing that girls are too chicken poo to drive fast? heck, i'll race my car when i get one and i'll take away that stereotype. stereotype freakin pisses me off too.
I absolutely love lani's and lauren's entry. so i should contribute my own issues with being a female...might as well contribute my own.....
my mom has that stereptype look.....
for one...i was never considered a tomboy....but i did things that guys when i was little i would be a little speedy gonzales....and my mom would be like...hold on're a girl, and girls don't run. they have to walk properly and thi mi { vietnamese for feminine...but it doesn't feel like a direct translation}.
yeah, and of course i should be doing more brother...oh no of course not! he's a boy...he doesn't need to worry about chores!
and yeah...on appearance too. 0_o...actually my mom thinks i dress rather revealing/sexual or something.....actually she'll be like....yvonne, your clothes are too tight! when they really feel just fine to me.... she says that females should dress decent and modest { meaning not versatile in a WOW way}. she's all for fashion and stuff....but there are limitations.
she bugs me about my weight asian girls are supposed to be 5'1 and like 95-110 pounds at most or something? i'm sure she would love it if i looked like that.....but yeah...well since she has her appearance down to a happy size....she hasn't been bugging me about it...but still. i doubt she'll be bugging my brother the same way she does to me.
what else? oh yeah! the drive car slow thing......i'm with lani...i'm gonna be going as fast as possible cuz...who likes to waste time? plus speed is fun.....always is always will be.
vietnam is pretty darn stereotype too.....i am not sure if i ever told the lesbian/gay story about vietnam yet...
no one is allowed to be gay/les/bisexual in vietnam....if anyone found shall be beaten.....what a wonderful communist country, eh?
you know what else is funny? you know how in american shows or whatever and the father says," you are not allowed to date until you marry!"....that's exactly how it is in vietnam! can be friends with the person you like....but it wouldn't look cool if you hung out with your bf/gf all by your lonesome.....gossip spreads like wildfire in vietnam....and gosh.....
you know how my aunt was proposed? she was proposed through a letter!!!! jAHEUIDHDSKFHSFDKSFDKHFKDHKHGDL
personally....i don't care how much i love my boyfriend...i will never ever ever ever say yes to marriage through a email...or through aim. that's not how i would want to be rememember it....and it isn't bit.
actually...i read the letter was...horribly formal....and the whole family was leaning over to read it with curious smiles on their faces....
it made me could the guy be such a coward and so cruel as to ask my aunt's hand through a fucking letter? this shows how much men look down on women in vietnam in my opinion.... like when he is around her....he respects her as a wife...but that's it.
{ this entry is going all over the place....}
women have to deal with such horrible roles in the circumcision ...gosh.....i am not going into detail over that since i already did. but gosh...i feel like women are being used to fill in the dirty roles that men don't want to go through pregnancy...{ like how people say that if men were the ones to get pregnant...we would be extinct?} well golly gee......i wonder why?
actually i disagree with lauren when she said that the only difference with a female and a male is a vagina and period....actually.....there is strong evidence proving that males and females think rather how women tend to show their emotions more than a guy because they are too busy with their tough masculine image.....
i am saying tend....because there are guys that are smart enough to know that females don't like it when guys pretend to be all tough when they are really hurt.
then there is jennifer....and her tough girl image...i hate it when people call her a tomboy though....heck....she calls herself a tomboy. wtf? WHY MUST PEOPLE KEEP LABELLING EACH OTHER!
but yeah...guys and girls are different because of the way they think....either it is because of society or it is something a whole lot more psychological and physical....{ actually...i agree with the second one more.}...
like i was watching this show about the difference in sex. and they showed a little girl in a playpen...and she wanted to go to her mommy who was out of the playpen...she started crying....and that's all...but when they placed a boy in the same position as the girl...he started beating on the playpen a lot....and then he started to cry and beat the playpen like heck....
what does this proves? that males have masculine tendency even at a very very young age { possibly when they are born...or a little later? i dunno...not a psychologist after all}.