
Aug 18, 2015 15:19


day 1

by lattelotus
Yixing / Jongin
PG ☆ 1707 words
Yixing finds out what home really means

Reluctant Farmer Oh Sehun
by zyxisagod
Yixing / Sehun
G ☆ ~1900 words
City boy Oh Sehun inherits a farm and he's like, "What."
A Harvest Moon AU

day 2

Constellations of Love
by nachtegael
Yixing / Lu Han
PG ☆ 4441 words
Lu Han never expected to meet another guy his age at a TVXQ concert,
but sometimes dreams really do come true.

by chuyeol
Yixing / Lay
R ☆ 5775 words
Jongdae says the apocalypse is later,
and there's a probability that he's right.
Maybe the world will end centuries onwards,
maybe there's nothing for Yixing to fear.
Nothing except himself,
and what he's created.

day 3

tangled with you
by happyxings
Yixing / Yifan
PG ☆ ~2159 words
They can really only trust each other.
After all, who else has a superpower?

Scattered Showers
by helaas
Yixing / Baekhyun
PG ☆ 3186 words
Baekhyun is self-centered, Yixing is sweet,
can a chance encounter between them spell out sunny skies
or will their forecast take a turn for the worse?

day 4

Muses and Blues
by nachtegael
Yixing / Zitao
PG ☆ 12 155 words
Yixing is reaching out to hold
the precious things that glisten on his horizon,
the most important of which are his dreams.

Till the Morning Comes
by springmaid
Yixing / Junmyeon
R ☆ 10 354 words
"You don't need to die to feel death."

day 5

Of Tiny Hands and Big Hearts
by amaxingbaek
Yixing / Minseok
PG-13 ☆ 13 108 words
Yixing is single dad that is hopelessly infatuated
with his daughter’s teacher, Minseok.

Isn't It Funny?
by teatimetaemint
Yixing / Jongdae
PG-13 ☆ 3726 words
Jongdae might have never expected someone like Yixing,
but everyone knows life is full of surprises.

day 6

Fruits of (When You Don't Want to Give Up)
Note: read it here
by chankaidoe
Yixing / Kyungsoo
PG-13 ☆ 1676 words
Yixing doesn't know how to give it up.

Not That Kind of Doctor
by setaxis
Yixing / Chanyeol
PG ☆ 5247 words
Chanyeol has had many faces over the eons and almost as many names,
though his preferred moniker is The Doctor.
He travels through time and space alone except for
the occasional companion - of which Yixing,
the hippie/new age healer whose caravan assaulted
Chanyeol's face, is to be the next.

Thanks so much to everyone who participated
and read the stories!


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