May 24, 2005 22:07
I watched top gun for the first time yesterday and it's just way too fabulous! The music with synths and hollow beats, and the cheesy lines, and the love story with the tension - all of it just v. cool.
my diet has consisted of rice with stock cubes and melted sugar for 'dessert' for the past few days. how much do I love being poor? can anyone say 'scurvy'? In a way, I don't mind being poor actually. Well I do but it is completely my own fault because my last purchases were rather decadent. But they were also the type of purchases that I can revel in and feel justified in spending money on. I bought absinthe and pretty lingerie. Possibly a dangerous combination...
my room is tidy.
qmunicate looks fabulous this issue, imho, and we actually didn't run out of time: we were totally finished by 8am and that was after lounging about for most of the early hours.
I'm terrible at updating, but I'm not a huge fan of the 'on monday i did x, tuesday y' etc updates. so you will all just have to not know!
I still love David Bowie.
Canada soon for my pot bellied pig and working on the land and bohemian island and seeing my lovelies again.