So I finally got around to uploading some pictures of my Costa Rica trip from mid-February. They're in my Facebook, but just in case I'll repost them here. I'm lazy though, so there's not a lot of commentary.
The view from our hotel.
We had iguanas all over the resort.
Capuchin monkeys all over too. They came down to the beach every day.
A tree at a pit stop on our way to a river cruise.
Howler monkeys on the river.
Again on the river. There were some big crocs laying about.
More howlers.
They also had some gorgeous hummingbirds.
We wandered through the rain forest. This particular forest is called a "cloud forest" because of the clouds. As you can see.
Our lunch pit stop on the way back from the rain forest.
A volcano and the gorgeous view.
Another capuchin at our hotel. I should mention that I only have a little regular old digital camera, no big fancy zooms. The monkeys really were that close. One of them touched my hat at one point, trying to figure out if it was food. It wasn't.