Fic: A Big Wand! or Lily Is Caught in the Middle, part two

Feb 01, 2009 22:51

title: A Big Wand! or Lily Is Caught in the Middle, part two
summary: Lily and Sirius have a Top Secret Chat.
characters/pairings: Lily/James, mentions of Vance/Benjy, beginnings of Remus/Sirius
genre: humor/drama
word count: 1667
a/n: dorasolo wrote the lovely Miss Evans and discombobulated Mr. Black

Sirius Black has a hard time playing Quidditch when his focus is on something else. There is no other excuse for why Peter Pettigrew is kicking the living shit out of him in a game that he plays all the time on an organized team, no less. Sirius Black is off of his game, and potentially off of his rocker, and these are things that Sirius Black does not like at all. He peers over the hill in the Potter's front yard to see if Lily Evans and Remus Lupin are heading back to where he is, and distracted once more, gets pummeled by Peter.

"Oi, being a Beater does not mean beating me up!" Sirius knows he sounds spoiled and peeved because he's losing, but he doesn't care.

James Potter and Peter look at eachother, concerned, but Sirius glares at James and James does not speak about anything of the sort.

Excited chatter alerts him to the fact that Lily and Remus are rejoining the group, and Sirius pauses a moment to ponder if Lily and Remus have always been such good friends and whether or not he should have noticed. He recalls too many nights of Remus coaching James into being less of a prat, so he thinks that Remus has always had the inside scoop about Lily Evans. Which means, he thinks, Lily Evans should have the scoop on Remus Lupin. Brilliant deduction, he thinks, mentally patting himself on the back.

The Quaffle hits him in the head and he pratfalls if for no other reason than to make it look like it hurt much less than it did.

Remus looks much less constipated and manages not to smile at him, so Sirius breathes a huge sigh of relief that he had no idea he was even holding. "Back from your lady chat, then," he mocks, but tries to telepathically communicate to Lily that it's his turn to bother her, if she'd be so kind as to oblige him. Which means, he realizes suddenly, that he must act fast because any minute now James will remember that it's fifteen minutes past Snog O'Clock and that he has a lot of catching up to do somewhere in Lily's undergarments. Sirius feels sick.

"EVANS! You should practice your healing skills on me RIGHT THIS MINUTE," he commands, "for I have fallen on the ground and probably should be assessed!"

Lily looks incredibly confused, or perhaps she's also lamenting the lost fifteen minutes of snogging, but she sits down next to him anyway. "Does the patient need to be assessed alone, or does the patient require his merry band of miscreants for moral support?"

"ALONE," he shrieks, disliking Lily's dry tone, and wondering where his manly voice has gone again.

Remus looks smugly satisfied, as does Lily, but Sirius decides to ignore it because it is not a sad smile indicating Impending Doom, or the like. He motions to James to remove the rest of the party, and James opens his mouth, undoubtedly to protest being apart from his Lily-love when it's clearly time to snog.

"Do as I say, James Potter, or I shall use my reserve of itching powders," Sirius hisses, between clenched teeth.

"Not if we find them first," James says, halfheartedly, mussing his hair by habit and dragging Peter off in a choke-hold. Remus saunters off calmly with nary a smile, glance, nod, or comment. Sirius thinks Evans must somehow have the cure for all diseases hidden in her long talks.

"He pities me," Sirius says, pathetically, dropping all jokes and pretenses because he feels miserable.

"No," Lily answers, "that I can promise you. Remus does not pity you."

"He does, though," Sirius says, woefully, peering up at her with his mercurial gray eyes. He likes to watch her reactions because she often runs a gamut between sheer horror and delight within thirty seconds or less. During her earlier visit after the unfortunate orange hair incident, he convinced Lily and James that the best thing for them to do, being seventeen and all, was to practice Apparition. She had been incredibly annoyed at first due to the fear of Marauderly mischief, which amused him endlessly, but he convinced her that it was James' parents problem for not casting spells against Potter House Inhabitant apparition. And how else was James supposed to get into her bedroom when his stealth skills were shoddy at best?

Sirius is utterly convinced that Lily realizes now what a genius he truly is. Lily, however, is convinced that the inbreeding make Sirius completely daft.

"What does he pity you for, then?"

"I told him, well, I mean, in a roundabout, manly way of course, that I might in some instances possibly miss Regulus." Sirius kicks at the ground, peering at her again.

"Do you, then? Miss Regulus?"

"It doesn't matter. The point is, I told him, and now he keeps smiling at me like he saw something sad inside my brain and feels badly."

Lily sighs and flops once again on the grass. "You can feel badly that your friend is upset without actually pitying them, you know," she says, quietly. "Do you pity him because he was bitten?"

"NO," Sirius spits. "It makes me angry."

"But you know that who he is is somewhat dependent on that part of him," she suggests, gently, trying to help. "It's the same with you, Sirius. Your family, the problems with them, it makes you who you are. But it's family, and you can't help how you feel about them." This is something she knows well enough, and like Sirius, she doesn't often speak of how bad it is at home with Petunia. "What I'm trying to say is that telling Remus out loud doesn't mean he didn't know already. Avoiding him because you told him something doesn't make any sense, its actually quite daft, and probably more evidence of how your family has made you who you are."

Sirius perversely wants to punch her in the face for being right, as usual, but doesn't because she's being kind enough to listen to him even though she's not really his friend. He scrunches up his face at her and decides that she is allowed to be his friend after all, so he throws a handful of grass in her direction.

"Thanks," she says softly.

"No problem at all, Evans," he proclaims loudly, feeling the weird rush of adrenaline that is a precursor to a wild scheme. He goes to stand up, thinking he'll go see if he can convince James and Pete to smoke Floo Powder, but she is quicker and puts her hand on his arm.

"Was there anything else," she says, with the disaffected tone of somebody who is actually quite affected and trying to keep neutral.

"No?" Sirius scans his memory for something of importance and strangely feels like he's looking into a bowl of porridge. He tells himself to focus and stop acting like a loon, the way he does when he takes his exams.

"You were acting quite odd when we ran into Benjy and Vance," Lily says, green eyes wide and innocent. Sirius kind of wants to punch her in the face again because there's literally nothing that Evans ever misses.

"HOW CAN YOU BE SURE IT WAS BENJY FENWICK?" The crazy adrenaline hyperactive feeling in the back of his head has hit a peak and decided to come play, too. "BENJY FENWICK HAS THE WORST ACNE! I AM THINKING IT WAS A SLYTHERIN IN DISGUISE!"

"You don't say," Lily says, deadpan, looking up at him with hooded eyes and a badly concealed smirk.

"BENJY FENWICK CANNOT BE THAT PRETTY," he declares, too loudly, and he feels like he's gone mad all over again recalling the Benjy Fenwick Incident. "SIRIUS BLACK IS THE ONLY PERSON ALLOWED TO BE THAT PRETTY."

He is convinced that Benjy has made him completely insecure regarding his status as Hogwarts' most attractive male. Not that he cares a jot about how other people think he's pretty, except it is rather flattering that smatterings of Hogwarts students follow him about the school like little sheep. He has never felt the urge to tell his fan club that his beauty comes from the fact that his parents, both attractive, are first cousins.

"AND ALSO, EMMELINE VANCE?" At this point, Sirius has no idea why he's shouting, but continues anyway, "SHE WOULD NEVER DATE A BENJY FENWICK!"

"She'd date a Sirius Black, then?" Lily is confused. For a moment she thought Sirius was attracted to Benjy, because his "jealousy" is bordering on insanity, and now she's unconvinced.

"Of course?" Sirius feels very confused too. He cannot remember how this conversation started, nor can he figure out where it's going. "I can't remember if she was one of the Sirius Black Is My Cure For Dementors Club."

Flippancy and disaffection were not quite achieved with his statement so he smiles in what he hopes is a sign to stop the conversation. Sirius tries very hard to give her a Remus style smile in hopes of unnerving her. It fails.

"So, how long did you carry a torch for..."


Lily senses he is finished with their chat and reluctantly grins at him, palms up. "Can you Apparate without splinching right now?"

"No," Sirius replies, petulantly, "you've discombobulated me with your strange and unnecessary questioning, Lily Evans. If you were not the ginger of my brother-from-another-mother's choosing, I would surely time travel to drown you. But instead, I shall let you live so that you and your boyfriend can snog another day."

She simply smiles and pats his hand. "It'll be ok, I mean, I think it will be ok if I had any clue what you were babbling on about. I'm just sure that one day, it'll be ok." Be it Vance or Benjy occupying his thoughts.

summer-77, marauders, sirius, lily

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