The Plot Moves, or Sirius Sees A Surprise

Jan 14, 2009 01:00

Fic: The Plot Moves, or Sirius Sees a Surprise
Word Count: 1776
A/N: dorasolo wrote the angsty Sirius and Lily, alohachary1851 wrote the Marauders, especially Sirius talking. We borrowed James, Remus, and Peter from latenightcuppa and brownstudies. Hope y'all like crack!

Something is afoot, Sirius Black surmises, grimly. Ever since his moment of woe regarding his family, Remus Lupin has been acting strangely. Remus must be worried about him, he thinks, pondering uneasily at how many kind glances, how many free passes on pranks, and how many free insults he's gotten in the past few days. While Remus has always been somewhat of a gentle chap, at least in Sirius's mind, he's been downright pudding lately and Sirius has begun to think that perhaps Remus has stopped understanding that Sirius Black does not speak of his misfortunes and when he does, he does not want to talk about them for long, and he certainly does not want to use the words "Head Boy" without appropriate laughter. The way of the world is simple: Remus talks about his furry little problem, Sirius listens and gets appropriately angry when something is unfair because of said problem. For example, not getting Head Boy when he's a model, if distracted, Prefect.

Sirius sprawls in the grass with his shoes off, feet straight up in the air, and he contemplates his toes now because he is bored, and because he is avoiding Remus's kind smile because it makes him think he might have terminal cancer. Or worse, that when Remus is distracted as a Prefect, it is HIS fault for being such a damned attention craving nitwit, and now Remus is not Head Boy. Waving his feet a bit maniacally, he decides that this makes no sense because if Remus is distracted by him, then James is the worst choice in the history of the Wizarding World. James Potter, who this morning put a sock on his ear to come to breakfast, just to wear a sock on his ear to come to breakfast.

Remus appears in Sirius' line of vision, standing at the back door of the house, clearly looking for him. Sirius waves a foot, Remus smiles. Sirius shudders. Why does he keep smiling at him? Regulus never smiled at Sirius, so Remus should not be as smiley as this. Perhaps Remus is happy because Peter Pettigrew should be falling from the sky momentarily, breaking up the monotony of Sirius having a strop in the backyard while Remus reads a book and James and Lily Evans lose any shred of decency they ever posessed in the back bedroom. Sirius tips his imaginary hat to that, though he hastily admits to himself that he does not have nor want said experiences in the back bedroom any time soon. Hogwarts, he believes firmly, is for pranks to live up to the Prewetts, fistfights, and dungbombs in Severus Snape's dirty underpants.

Sirius pretends to be distracted once again by his own toes, and Moony murmurs "inbred bastard" and goes inside, which is much to Sirius' liking. It does not change the fact that Remus is acting Weird, capitalized inappropriately in his head. At once an idea strikes him. He'll ask Lily about Remus acting weird, because Lily would know these things and Sirius believes that he does actually like the girl even though he swore to Pete that he'd hate her forever for making James stop being as stupid as James ought to be this past year. He looks morosely at the back bedroom window and figures, go big or go home.

"EVANS," he bellows, then remembers that he is now seventeen (glorious!) and can use magic to summon her even louder.

A very disheveled James peers out of the window. "Just a damn minute, Padfoot," he spits, breathlessly, "we're getting ready to go into town. Dumbledore wants to speak to us about Head Boy and Head Girl, so just... hold on, ok?"

Sirius smirks appropriately at Head Boy and Head Girl.


A perfectly imperfect James Potter exits the house, followed by Lily Evans. Their cheeks are too flushed for Sirius' liking so he makes gagging noises at them, which he deems entirely appropriate. Remus rounds out the group standing in the backyard, smiling again at Sirius, so Sirius nervously looks to the sky and hopes Peter will get here, very soon.

Sirius feels weird. He wonders again if he's dying and nobody told him.

"Padfoot, we'll have to Zeppelin and plot out the grand scheme of things later, you know, Official Business. I am official now, BOW to me."

"Just as long as I get detention immunity for this year." Sirius answers.

Lily looks at Sirius... seriously and says "He's Head Boy, not a miracle worker."

Remus checks his watch. "I hate to break up the party, but Dumbledore wants to meet very soon, so we mustn't keep him waiting."

James frowns. "This is what it's going to be like all year," he laments. "Be on time, go to class, meet with Professors," he continues, glumly.

"You already have to meet with Professors," Lily reminds him, helpfully. "This time, it won't be called detention, and Minniecats' vein won't throb and stare at you."

James appears to be suitably pacified by the idea of fewer chances for Minerva McGonagall to have an aneurysm in his presence. "Business first, Dungbombs," James pauses and checks to see if Lily gives him an appraising look, zilch. "Dungbombs later."


Dumbledore asks to speak to James first, alone, much to everybody's surprise, so Lily and Remus start moving towards wherever it is that books are sold. Sirius never pays much attention because James' mum always takes care of his books for him.

"WAIT," he bellows. "EVANS!"

Lily and Remus stop moving and stare at him, confused.

"Yes?" Lily looks at him warily, a small grin indicating that she's ready for whatever joke he's about to throw at her.

Remus smiles kindly. "Sirius, whatever you'd like to do, I'm sure Lily is fine going with me to get books."

Sirius feels a momentary surge of panic and begins babbling. "I am convinced as the snow on Mount Everest is white... that I saw Walburga afoot. I felt an icy chill- no, that's Dementors. She's here. I know she is."

"Do you want us to come with you?" Remus again looks concerned, and puts his hand on Sirius' shoulder to stop the flailing.

"No," Sirius shrieks, and then clears his throat. In a more composed, manlier voice, he continues. "She'll recognize you, Moony. Evans. She won't recognize Evans."

"Sirius," Lily begins, sharing a concerned glance with Remus, "don't you think she might know I'm Muggleborn?"

"It doesn't matter," Sirius says, a bit desperately, feeling like he's gone as mad as he sounds. "Your hex is better. No offense, Moony. Alright then, Evans? Let's go."

He drags her, by the hand, leaving a very confused Remus.

"Alright then," Remus says, quietly, "Honeydukes." Baffled and a bit wounded, wanders to the candy store.

Sirius, however, walks in the opposite direction, anywhere his feet decide to take him. "Really, Evans, you shouldn't worry about Dear Mother knowing about your Muggleborn...ness. She'd probably see you and ask why you weren't drowned when you were born, my dear ginger."

"Ok," Lily agrees slowly, "now why don't you tell me your real purpose for needing my attention so desperately? Was there something in my shampoo? Is James going to sprout a tentacle in front of Dumbledore?"

"James wouldn't let me put anything in your shampoo," Sirius answers simply. "And I don't even know how to make James sprout a tentacle... but now I want to know, think McGonagall will teach it to us this year?"

"Probably not," Lily says, somewhat wistfully. "I'm sure there are books in the library though, and I'd be happy to check it out, if you'd be so kind as to tell me why you're acting like a maniac?"

Sirius takes another opportunity to deflect, but this time, he rationalizes, it's warranted. "Merlin's skidmarks... is that, who- he looks oddly. Evans, come over here and take a proper look." He says, gesticulating wildly. "Is that who I think it is? Past the pumpkin cart in the blue."

Lily is genuinely surprised. Before James, there was Benjy Fenwick, and in front of her is Benjy, who has written her exactly three times in the entire summer due to clandestine missions for Dumbledore that he can't talk about in letters.

B and V spotted just outside Diagon Alley.

"It's Benj and Vance," Lily says, grinning madly. "Benj! Over here!"

Sirius is a little less enthusiastic. The Gryffindor blokes a year ahead were stand up fellows, at least the Prewett twins and Benjy Fenwick are, but something is very different than Hogwarts. Benjy Fenwick used to have raging acne, and from the looks of him now, either his spellwork has vastly improved or his complexion stopped yielding bubotuber pus all over his pillowcases. Sirius feels a strange twinge of something, and he is not sure if it is jealousy, surprise, or something entirely different, because Benjy Fenwick is apparently a chick magnet. Or a bloke magnet. Benjy Fenwick has emerged from his awkward cocoon a very beautiful butterfly, a sentiment not lost on Lily, or Sirius.

Lily is enthusiastically hugging both Benjy and Emmeline Vance, but Sirius feels weirder now than when Remus smiles fondly. Something is Not Right. Benjy claps him on the back and Sirius slugs him in the arm, really hard.

"Sorry," he mutters.

"S'ok," Benjy says, quirking an eyebrow in confusion before going back to chattering with Lily about how he sent her a letter at home but she never received it. Vance's brown eyes miss nothing, so she watches Sirius squirm, but she wisely keeps her mouth shut. For the first time all day, Sirius wishes Remus were here so he could comment on Benjy's lack of acne, or joke around about how Lily kissed Benjy before he stopped oozing pus, or something without feeling like a complete and utter prat. Instead, when James finds them and looks at Benjy, shifty-eyed, Sirius takes the opportunity to cram three chocolate frogs into his mouth and concentrates on chewing.

What a strange day.

summer-77, marauders, sirius, remus, james, lily

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