Nov 23, 2005 19:51
:001:Name:!: Amber
:002:Age:!: 15
:003:Birthday:!: January 3
:004:Location:!: eagle wi
:005:Religon:!: i dont believe in religion
:006:Date:!: 11/23/05
:007:Time:!: 7:57pm
:008:What clothes are you wearing:!: black tank top and blue and green pj pants
:009:What jewelry are you wearing:!: the necklace i got from jen and my piercing jewelry
:010:Hair color:!: blond
:011:Hair length:!: longish...
:012:Eye Color:!: hazel
:013:Height:!: 5'6"
:014:Shoe Size:!: 9
:015:Do you wear glasses:!: no
:016:What about contacts:!: no
???not sure what happened to number 17!???
:018:Single or taken:!: Single
:019:Have you ever said I love you to someone and meant it:!: yeah
:020:Have you ever thought you were in love:!: Yes
:????not sure what happened to number 21???
:022:Has a member of the opposite sex ever made you cry:!: yeah
:023:Ever had a dream about a crush:!: yeah
:024:Ever liked a close guy/girlfriend:!: yeah
:025:Are you lonely right now:!: yeah actually
:026:Ever afraid you'll never get married:!: not really
:027:Do you want to get married:!: yeah
:028:Do you want kids:!: yeah
:029:Been Hurt by someone you loved:!: yes
:030:How many friends do you have:!: a lot
:031:How many friends are guys:!: a lot less than girls tho
:032:How many friends are girlies:!: a lot
:033:Funniest:!: jennifer or jigga
:034:Perkiest:!: ... i dont know
:035:Most organized:!: ummm...probably me
:036:Least organized!: amanda
:037:Most likely to become a model:!: i really dont know...david lol
:038:Prettiest:!: all of them lol
:039:Who has the same taste in music as you:!: david, jennifer, michi, jigga for the most part and ashley for the most part
:040:Likes country:!: all my friends are pretty much ok with it but i dont think anyone really loves it
:041:Likes Rock:!: all of them
:042:Likes Rap:!: me, david, jen, jigga, michi, a bunch of people from school
:043:Who do you have the deepest converstations with:!: jennifer
:044:Who do you fight with the most:!: i dont really fight a whole lot with any of them. but i argue most probably with jigga
:045:The one you are closest to:!: jennifer, michi, and david
:046:The one who is the furthest away:!: david most of the time
:047:The one you feel like doesn't get you:!: most people at school
:048:Flower:!: a rose or any cool looking flower i guess i really dont have a fav.
:049:Quote from a movie:!: i really dont know right now
:050:Room in house:!: my room
:051:Type of music:!: rock/metal
:052:Day of the week:!: Saturday
:053:Color:!: orange, neon green, and black
:054:Month:!: lotsof them for different reasons
:055:Season:!: spring, summer, and fall... get the hint, i fucking hate winter
:056:Thing to do:!: hang out with my friends
:057:Would you rather love or be loved?:!: both...
:058:Love or Lust:!: love
:059:Cat or Dog:!: both
:060:Coke or Pepsi:!: i like both lol
:061:Thanksgiving or Christmas:!: Christmas
:062:Pools Or Hot Tubs:!: one after the other
:063:Television Or Radio:!: tv because i dont ever listen to the radio i listen to my own music on the computer or cds
:064:CDs Or MP3's:!: CD's
:065:Vanilla or chocolate:!: ice cream-vanilla...
:066:Movies or music:!: music
:067:Sunset or Sunrise:!: sunset because the sunrise is too early
:068:Where do you want to live:!: i really dont know right now
:069:How Many Kids You Want:!: two or three of my own and then when i get older i want to take in teenage foster kids
:070:Pets:!: rats, kitty, dog, and a fishy at least i dont really think i would plan my animals
:071:Car:!: black corvette...i wish
:072:5 years from now:!: who knows ill be almost 21... which is a cool and bad thing at the same time
:073:Done Drugs:!: yeah
:074:Run Away From Home:!: no
:075:Lied:!: who hasnt?
:076:Stolen Anything:!: yeah
:077:Broken A Bone:!: nope
:078:Cheated On A Test:!: yeah whenever i can
:079:Cheated On A Girlfriend/Boyfriend:!: no
:080:Been In The Hospital:!: when i was really little
:081:Fell asleep in the shower/bath:!: no
:082:Never slept during a night:!: if that means staying up all night then yea a lot of times but otherwise i dont understandthis fucking question
:083:Sat in a restaurant without ordering:!: at taco johns last friday if taco johns even is consideres a restaurant, we ended up having to leave lol
:084:Seen someone die:!: no
:085:Streaked the streets:!: no
:086:Screamed at someone for no reason:!: yeah
:087:Stayed up till 4 am on the phone:!: i dont think so
:088:Pulled a prank:!: yeah
:089:Made fun of someone:!: yeah
:090:Cried yourself to sleep:!: yeah
:091:Found yourself crying and not quite sure why:!: yeah it happens a lot
:092:Took a shower:!: yesterday
:093:Cried:!: today
:094:Given/gotten a hug:!: i dont remember probably liz
:095:Been to the movies:!: i think it was charlie and the chocolate factory with kassie a long time ago but i could be wrong
:096:Had a boy/girlfriend:!: too long ago
:097:Kissed someone:!: probably jennifer, last time i was in milwaukee
:098:Said I love you:!: last time i talked to david on the internet
:099:Danced:!: idk
:100:How was it?:!: the best i ever had! ... i really dont know
Whats your educational status? im in high school, sophmore
Where do you go to school? Palmyra-Eagle High School. gay ass school
Where do you work? no where but i need a job
Where do you live? with my parents
Where do you hang out? at jigga and michis house and ashleys house
How is your hair style? pretty long and layered.
Do you wear braces? nope
Do you wear glasses? no
Who is your best friend? i have more than one... jennifer, david, and michi
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend: no one
Who is your celebrity crush: dont really have a crush
Who is your real life crush: someone...
How many piercings do you have? ears and my eyebrow
How many tattoos do you have? none yet
What is your favorite band? thats hard but ill try... evanescence, marilyn manson, slipknot, incubus, korn, and sublime
What is your biggest fear? small spaces, spiders
Have you smoked a cigarette?: yeah today...
Have u been drunk/high?: lol yeah
i am bored in case you havent noticed...
i am going to milwaukee on friday and i get to see david. i am happy about that because i miss david. i hope jigga is in a better mood.
this sad shit needs to fucking go somewhere else and leave me alone. i am tired of feeling so fucking emo.
yeah... i spent the night at ashleys last night. we didnt do anything, we were bored like usual.
school has been school. i am tired of it already.
love everyone
peace ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥