Nov 20, 2005 13:48
50 random questions:
1. Are you wearing shoes? no
2. Whats the third letter in your name? b
3. How old is your pet? idk
4. What color is your underwear? white
5. Are you sick? yeah
6. Are you in school? i go to school if thats what you mean but i am not there at this moment
7. Is the bathroom open? yeah
8. Are you on a laptop? no
9. Are you watching mtv? its on in the background but i am really not watching it
10. Are you smiling? no
11. Do you have on eyeliner? yeah
12. Is it early? no
13. Are you blonde? yeah
14. Do you have a xanga? no
17. What color is your shirt? green
18. Name one of your friends? jennifer
19 What color is your bathing suit? i have 2 different ones. on is black and white, and the other one is red, light blue, and blue
20. Does your school start in August? no
21. Did you go on vacation last month? no
22. Ever been on a cruise? no
23. Do you have a sis? yes
24. Are you upstairs? yup in my room
25. Do you have lots of freckles? no
26. Do you have a friend named Alex? kinda
27. Does your name end with a Y? no
28. What's your middle name? Lynn
29. Are your ears pierced? yeah
30. Do you own a digital camera? no but both my parents know i want one for christmas
31. Do you live in florida? no
32. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no
33. Are you straight? as straight as a half cooked noodle
34. Are you listening to rock? not at this very moment no
35. What color is your chair? Black
36. Where'd you get your pants? california
37. Can you type with your feet? i dont know and i dont care to know
38. Why isn't there a question here? there is
39. Are you tired? yeah
40. dO yOu WrItE lIkE tHiS? no
41. l!k3 th!$? no
42. Are you retarded? sometimes lol
43. Can you count to 100? yeah
44. Can you lick your elbow? no
45. Did you try? no
46. Do you have a license? no
47. Are you bored? if i wasnt i wouldnt be doing this
48. Can you finish this survey? yeah
49. What time is it? 2:01pm
50. Do you have to pee? no
100 more Random Questions
1. Third grade teacher's name: Mrs. Garret and Mrs. Robers
2. Last thing you said: i dont rememberi think it was ok
3. Last song you sang: i dont remember
4. Last person you hugged: um... whoever the last person was that i hugged at the teen center
5. Last thing you laughed at?: bily madison even tho i am not watching it
6. Last time you said I don't remember: if typing counts then a few questions ago if not then i dont remember lol
7. Last time you cried?: um...sometime last week
10. What's under your bed: a bunch of art stuff and some pillows
11. What time did you wake up today: 10:30
12. Current taste: pizza
13. Current hair: up in a ponytail
15. Current annoyance: the itch on my back that i cant get to and my sleepiness
16.Current longing: to hang out with my friends
17. Current desktop background: marilyn manson
18. current worry: not much
19. Current hate: stuff
20. Current favorite article of clothing: i dont really know
21. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: height, eyes, style
22. Last CD that you listened to: davids mix cd
24. Least favorite place: dentist or doctor
25. Time you wake up in the morning?: for school between 6 and 630 and on other days whenever i want
26. If you could play an instrument, what would it be? guitar or bass, but most likely bass
27. Favorite color: orange black and neon green
28. Favorite word: i dont know i say hoe anf cuk a lot tho
29. How tall are you: 5'6"
30. Current favorite word/saying: fuck, and hoe
31. Favorite book: i dont know the exact one
32. Favorite season: everything is ok but winter. summers great because there is no school.
33. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: i dont think anyone in particular
35. Where do you want to go for college?: an art institute most likely
36. What is your career going to be like: idk
37.How many kids do you want?: two ro three but that could change
39. Said "I love you" and meant it: yes many times
40. Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: yeah lol
41. Been to New York: no
42. Been to Florida: no but im going on december
43. Been to California: yeah
44. Been to Alaska: no
45. Been to Mexico: yeah
46. Been to China: No
48. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: not completely
52. Do you have a crush on someone: yeah and they know
53. What book are you reading now?: the adventures of huckleberry finn for english and mansons book.
54. Worst feeling in the world: heartbreak, wanting something you cant have, and lonelyness/ being unwanted.
55. What is the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning: do i have to?
56. How many rings before you answer: However many it takes for me to get to the phone
57. Future daughter's name: kaydence or aida/ada
58. Future son's name: i dont know... i like the name ian
59. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yeah
60. If you could have any job you wanted: psychiatrist/psycologist, or fashion designer
61. Wish you were here: ?
62. Future College plans: art institute somewhere
63. Piercings: my ears and my eyebrow
67. What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use? garnier fructis
68. What are you most scared of: small places, spiders, and heights a little
69. What clothes do you sleep in?: pj pants and a shirt
70. Who is the last person that called you: mark last night lol
71. Where do you want to get married: on a beach
72. If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: my acne
73. Who do you really hate: merideth, cat, karen, jennifers brother
74. Been In Love: yeah
75. Are you timely or always late: half and half
76. Do you have a job: no but i should
78. Best feeling in the world?: Happiness in general
79. Are you for world peace: Yeah
80. Are you a health freak: no
81. Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: kinda
82. Do you want something you don't have?: yeah
77. Do you like being around people? yeah
And now back to ur regularly scheduled program
83. Are you lonely right now: yeah
84. Ever afraid you'll never get married: not really
85. Do you want to get married: Someday
86. Do you want kids? yes
87. Cried: no
88. Bought Something: yeah
89. Gotten Sick: no
90. Sang: yeah
91. Said I Love You: yeah
92. Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them: no they already know
93. Met Someone: no
94. Moved On: no
95. Talked To Someone: Yes
96. Had A Serious Talk: no
97. Missed Someone: yeah
98. Hugged Someone: i dont think so
99. Yelled at Someone: yeah
100. Dreamed about someone you cant be with? kinda