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Nov 05, 2005 19:06

well for anyone who cares about the whole brittany situation i am going to post the convo me and her had right after my dad told them he was going to call the cops.

orangexrainbowz: ok
orangexrainbowz: this is the last message and i am supposed to tell you we are calling the cops with your phone number adn everything you have been saying to me
icpbritt: K

icpbritt signed off at 10:03:56 PM.
icpbritt signed on at 10:04:15 PM.
icpbritt: r u gonna actually do this that is so mean i thought we were friends guess not thats so bogus thanx u had 2 make it into this big deal and ur just making so stupid shit into suminthing thatz nutting well im gonna go and im not gonna change my mind when i say "u have no right 2 have that on your profile she was not your mom she was mine "
icpbritt is away at 10:10:23 PM.
icpbritt returned at 10:12:40 PM.
orangexrainbowz: yeah we are friends brittany when you have your friends come on and threaten me because of something in my profile, CHILDISH, and i never said she was my mother i know she was yours nand i felt terrible for you and i was the one there for you so you can take your friendship and shove it because you dont care about me you just dont want the cops called on you, ever since your mom died you have been tkaing it out on us like it is our fault it is not our fault. i am not posting that and saying that she wa smy mother i am showing repect something you wouldnt understand. and the only reason my dad was calling the cops is because you threatened me. truthfully i didnt believe it for a second but my dad doesnt care if it is true or not it s the fact that you threatened me and you cant say that iwent running to him. you brought him it in when you called.
icpbritt: i never threatened u u just didnt want to listen to me all i wanted u to do was take it off is it really that hard and we were friends and your just going to let your dad do that thanks alot i was trying to start my life over but now i cant
icpbritt: and shits getting so bad i have to move out thats y i havent talked to u
orangexrainbowz: oh and its my fucking fault you bitch ass friends got into it and brought me into it
icpbritt: so sorry all this shit going on and im pissed
orangexrainbowz: i havent fucking talked to you in MONTHS
icpbritt: well im sorry that i got kicked out and that i had to find somewhere to stay if thats okay with you
orangexrainbowz: stop trying to make me feel bad
icpbritt: im not trying to make you feel bad im just telling you what happened
orangexrainbowz: you are just trying to stop me from calling the cops or you would have jumped in and stopped the whole argument a lon time ago
icpbritt: this has been so hard on me thats why i want it off i just dont need this right now i dont want you to feel sorry for im just trying to explaing to you because you sit there and accuse me of being a bad friend i havent talked to anybody
orangexrainbowz: ths has nothing to do with it brittany
icpbritt: i just got here how was i suppose to stop it
icpbritt: well you kept saying about how i havent talked to you and how much you hate and how im blaming you for my moms death when thats nor even it
icpbritt: its not like that
orangexrainbowz: i didnt say i hated you
icpbritt: well you must because of everything your saying and why do you have to make this such a big deal is it so hard for you to do me that favor
icpbritt: ?
orangexrainbowz: i am just reallly fucking pissed that this mother fucker just messages me like he is all important and starts snapping on me about stupid shit
orangexrainbowz: GET THIS THRU YOUR HEAD
orangexrainbowz: I AM NOT TAKING IT OFF
orangexrainbowz: IT IS NOT DOING YOU ANY HARM
icpbritt: well i dont think its stupid you should know thats something that means alot to mea
orangexrainbowz: well you know what it means a lot to me to
icpbritt: well im sorry but i just really dont think u have any right to have that on there because i dont think that you really cared about my mom
orangexrainbowz: and i dont care if you disagree with that or if you dont like it i am not taking it off
icpbritt: well why cant you
icpbritt: ?
icpbritt: thers other things u could put on there im not relling u to completlry take it off just change it
icpbritt: telling*
icpbritt: plz this means alot to me
orangexrainbowz: because it means something to me and i dont know if you think the fact that me and david and michi cryed fro months fterand the fact that we still talk about her all the time and cry
icpbritt: well so did and and still do
orangexrainbowz: what the fuck is so wrong with it
orangexrainbowz: well then you can deal with it
icpbritt: i dont think you should have it on there
orangexrainbowz: like what?
icpbritt: u didnt know or respect my mom the way everyone else did
orangexrainbowz: just ne?
orangexrainbowz: me*
orangexrainbowz: you dont fucking knoe me on the inside you dont know how i felt or what i felt
icpbritt: no ther ppl to but you r the only one with it on your pro for everyone to see
orangexrainbowz: ok and everyone else can see it because thats what it is there for
orangexrainbowz: and it is there for her
orangexrainbowz: because i canred
orangexrainbowz: and if you cant fathom that
orangexrainbowz: then too bad
orangexrainbowz: im sorry but im not taking it off
icpbritt: u act like its such a big deal for u you only knew her u didnt have a relationship with her
orangexrainbowz: i will always love youbrittany and i will never forget the fun we had but you changed and i dont know if you see it but it happened
orangexrainbowz: fuck you
orangexrainbowz: i talked to your mom more when i was at your house than you did when i was there
icpbritt: well i want you to take it off and that all you dont have to me but thatz what i want and i want you to do it
icpbritt: no i dodnt change
orangexrainbowz: yes you did sweetie
icpbritt: how?
orangexrainbowz: you used to care about us like we carede about you but then it just stopped and it was over and you were this neew brittant
icpbritt: you dont know me anymore ive been having a horrible past few months so dont tell me i changed im just trying to get through this
icpbritt: there is only 1 brittany
orangexrainbowz: the past few months have nothing to do with it
orangexrainbowz: i am talking about like the few months after your mom died
orangexrainbowz: you left
orangexrainbowz: didnt give anyone your phone number and never called
icpbritt: i had to
icpbritt: what was i suppose to do sit on the street
icpbritt: david did
orangexrainbowz: then when you finally come back all you do is argue with me about david and how he contributed to your mom dying
orangexrainbowz: david did what
orangexrainbowz: he kept in contact
icpbritt: he hgad my number
orangexrainbowz: and hasnt lose cotact with me
orangexrainbowz: well obviously he didnt or we would have called
icpbritt: how was i suppose to keep in contact? ive benn living from house to house just about every week for the past 3 months so how was i suppose to keep in contact i havent even talked to my brother
orangexrainbowz: i am not talkign about lately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
icpbritt: well he had my number
icpbritt: still
orangexrainbowz: no he didnt
icpbritt: i gave it to him
icpbritt: im not arguing anynore i f your callin the cops tell me know so i can figure out someway to pay it off other wise i have to go becausr im leaving tommorow
orangexrainbowz: you are done arguing because you are wrong
orangexrainbowz: tell your stupid friends to leave me the fuck alone
icpbritt: im not wrong i have to leave
icpbritt: and my friends arent stupid
orangexrainbowz: i am done with you until you realize everything that has happened
orangexrainbowz: and everything that has been said to me
icpbritt: will u just tell me im going to have to find a job if i get this ticket
orangexrainbowz: because you know brittany you used to care
icpbritt: can you just tell me becauser if i do i have to leave like right now than
icpbritt: call the cops*
orangexrainbowz: i guess you will just have to find out
orangexrainbowz: it all depends on if my dad called or not
orangexrainbowz: i dont know
orangexrainbowz: if he did then they will be there
orangexrainbowz: if he didnt then dhe didnt
icpbritt: well can u find out because i have to find out how to pay this
orangexrainbowz: your friends got you into this... now they can get you out of it

i am such a bitch i know. i mean i do feel bad that she is having a hard time because i will always have a place in my heart for that girl because we have been thru a lot together but she isnt the same person and i am not going to deal with her shit. and i am not going to feel bad and just let her dumb bitch ass friends talk to me the way they did. i know she knew she was wrong and maybe someday she will realize how bad she and her friends treated me and maybe turn into the person she was before. i would love to see her, but not if she is going to be this bitch that she has been lately.

anyways... besides that i have been hanging out with ashley a lot. she is fun, we enjoy being bored as hell together. i found out that dusty is pissed at me and i would really like to know what the fuck i did to him, but i dont want to ask him because he is just going to get pissy with me and tell me some stupid shit that i did that he probably has no right to be mad at me about. and dusty if you are erading this i would really like to know what the fuck i did.

me and ashley made friends with this freshman. they are pretty cool, we got high with them on thurday and friday. i spent the night at ashleys last night. then in the morning her friend cassie came over and she had like 15 or 16 valium and me ashley and cassie sniffed 8 and christina came over and we snorted the other 7 or 8. but if you are reading this and you live around me or go to my school keep in on the down low. lol i cant believe i said down low i just made me giggle. lol. if i find out anyone else knows i am going to have to kill you!

it is fucking pooring likecrazy outside. i love it but we have a flood warning or some shit so i am not to excited about that.

yeah this has been a way too long entry so if you read it all that means you really love me! yay!

love everyone
♥♥♥♥♥♥ peace
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