lock down

May 30, 2007 17:55

orange_petals is now locked.
Please read the warning below, then if you wish, join to read the fics.


This journal contains fiction rated NC-17. By joining you are confirming you are over 18 or are legally permitted to read sexually explicit fiction.

The author is not responsible for anyone reading anything here! All characters portrayed in sexual situations are 18 or older.

I have no rights to the real people portrayed here, the stories and characterizations are 100% fictional with little to no basis in reality, and am making no money from this.

Many of the stories you'll find here are yaoi, aka slash, aka boy x boy love, aka homosexual stuff. Most of the stories are based on real people from the NHL, or the Japanese and Korean music scene. So if you don't like that, please stay away!! There are some fully fiction based boys here, too


Note: Since some people have been confused, I DO NOT need to add you! There is no need to ask! Just JOIN the comm, via the link in the user info page, or just click on this link, http://www.livejournal.com/community/join.bml?comm=orange_petals and just follow the instructions, and you should be able to see all the fics. Feel free to ask me if you have any problems tho.


Please make sure you are a member so you can continue to see the posts! If you're just watching you won't be able to see the locked posts!!

I'm just gonna lock everything to make it safer, even though I do have a few fics that aren't explicit. I'm terribly sorry to anyone that isn't an lj user and would like to read my fics. I really didn't want to have to do this. But I figure it's better to limit who reads them, than something happen and no one will be able to read them. Joining lj really isn't hard! It's free and you don't have to maintain a personal journal to join comms anyway.

Again, sorry it had to come to this! Love to all my readers!!


I have now posted a complete list of all my fics posted HERE, as well as tagged them, and it is linked in the profile/user info page, as well as in the links list on the left of the layout. Please take a look to make finding thing easier!

Thanks for your attention and enjoy your stay!

!author post: lock notice
