Aug 14, 2003 19:45
No one treats you like shit,your treat them like it!No one ripps it out of you,but you are quick too when you find a fault with someone.
It wasn't weired that I invited her.You were just pissed off that I didn't invite you.Seeing as you and Mikey don't like eachother,it would of just been stupid to ask you to come,I might aswell of just given you boxing gloves and told you to "get it on" if I had got you to come with me.Just remember,she's not taking your friends away,your pushing them away!
If your whilling to say something you'll regret which will lose your friendship with me,then there odviously isn't a friendship there to bother keeping a grasp of!
You didn't lose me to her,I didn't come out often as it was!You know I've been busy with work and collage.You plan everyones events and futures that you let yourself down.Then you cry to your dad and then I have him on my back telling you that I don't give a fuck about you when I do!
You hurt him more than anyone could and you wonder why he wouldn't take you back!You ripped his guts out and expected him to forgive you and pretend that everything was all fine and dandy.Then you have the cheak to cry when he writes horrible song about you!You odviously don't know how many tears he shead over you.But your paying for it noe though arn't you,sitting in your room thinking of the good times you had.
You've hurt me so much now and in the past.Maybe I should say "beat her head in with a shovel" does that ring any bells?Maybe even the words "I love you" when I'm happy and getting on with my life.Maybe you should of taken your mothers advice then "he's getting on with his life so should you" and maybe you'd be doing better now.
When you go back to collage your going to be extreamly shocked when you find out that most of your friends arn't your friends anymore because you ditched them for your house and the real "psychos".They text you and all you say is "me'h".You don't care as long as your happy.
You take everything out on me and take me down with you in the proses.Yes I'm your friend and I don't mind that but you don't know when to stop.I have my own problems to worry about,it doesn't help with the situation when you load yours onto me aswell.
Your not my girlfriend so remember where you stand.It's not your place to put my arm around you.Or to kiss you when you want one.Yes I want my friends to be happy but thats not the way to do it!
This is my saying seeing as I never get one.It's your turn to listen,and not put things in my head in the prosess!
Seeing as "you've lost me anyway" you won't care about what I have to say.Also seeing as you "don't care about what people think of you" you won't give a shit about what I have to say!
Listen to a song on Finches album so you know what I mean by "would it be so wrong if you were to pretend to be so happy?"
I guess this is good bye.