Name: Echizen Ryoga
Age: 20 (March 14th)
Teaches: English
Dorm: Twilight
Appearance: Greenish-black hair, deep blue eyes. Handsome for a human; usually wears some form of a smirk. Prefers fairly casual clothes.
Personality: Ryoga is often called a younger version of Nanjirou, and not always in a good way. He has a bad habit of flirting, and often appears not to take anything very seriously. However, this can be quite misleading. When the situation demands it, Ryoga can be quite serious indeed. He enjoys teasing his brother, but is ultimately very protective of him; like many big brothers, he believes he is the only one who has a right to be mean to his dear little brother.
History: The elder son of Echizen Nanjirou, Ryoga is a trained and experienced -- and talented -- vampire hunter despite his young age. This was his main profession until his little brother was turned and their father decided to found the Eclipse Academy. Ryoga feels he has failed Ryoma, and therefore chose to come to the Academy as a teacher to at least try and make up for his mistake by keeping Ryoma -- and everyone else -- safe. He teaches English to both the Day and Night class, but his real duty is making sure the Night class students don't harm the ones in the Day class.
Other: Ryoga is a vampire hunter, and a skilled one at that. His weapon of choice are wind and fire wheels, with blades that only harm vampires -- and ordinary humans cannot even see. The wheels have been passed down in the family, and Ryoga got them from his father as Nanjirou founded the Academy.