May 01, 2005 16:50
this weekend was really something, i cant even begin to describe it, all i have to say is saturday i woke up after a long night at xfest seeing sum41, unwritten law and other bands and i woke up and called my jessica to see if she was up but she was still sleepy so she went back to sleep finally she woke up at around 10:45 and i finally went out and got her at 12ish 1ish. We went to the mall and walked around for a really long time and we went into hot topic and we saw these cd's atticus dragging the lake 3 and i was like shit and they had warped tour compilation and they were all only 7 dollars! So i bought it and we left and walked around more and then i realized what time it was and we had to get back and we stopped by and had some chicago pizza, which was really good. I only had like 3 pieces and i ordered a whole pizza and i brought it home but my family ate it before me and jessie could eat it. We came back to my house and just layed on my bed and listened to music and talked about everything and then we decided to goto camelot park and we went there and it was sooo much fun and we carved our names in this tree and peeled the tree apart and stuff haha, and layed in the slides and watched the beautiful blue sky. Then we left and we were heading to the mall and we swung by and got her stuff and we jumped back in and we drove to the movies and we hung out in the car for like 20 minutes once we got to the movies. Then we got out and went up and the line was sooo fucking line, it was like grandma and grandpa and family night times infinity saturday night at belltower. We finally got tickets and we had to sneak into the movie we wanted to see... The amittyville horror and omg let me fucking tell you, that movie scared the living shit out of me, i was like squeezing my girlfriends hand and holding her so tight, and i kept closing my eyes, i was soooo petrified!! I almost walked out towards the end, i was that fucking scared!!! We finally got out and i was sooo scared, i didnt even want to drive, i was so afraid to drive for some reason, well we got outside and that changed and i felt normal and we went to the fm beach and THAT was amazing and defintly a great way to end a beautiful day and night! We walked down the beach and i attacked her onto the beach and we danced and cuddled and then we walked back towards the pier and we sat in front of this pink hotel and watched the water, stars, the sky and just talked and we were in the most comfortablest position ever and we just cuddled for a good 30 minutes and then i had to leave cause i had to be home by 11:30 and we were driving back and there was some accident and like you couldnt get by it and i was sooooooooo SAD and MAD and i didnt know what to do it was 11 and i had to be home by 11:30 so we went down some road hoping it would work and it did thank god. with time to spare we swung by wendys and she bought me a frosty! i was soooo excited! We sped home and we pulled into the driveway at exactly 11:30! we were soooo good. We stayed up till 4 in the morning having so much fun, just cuddling and jamming and listening to music and having the best times ever! we fell asleep and we woke up and cuddled sooo much more and jammed alot more!!! I feel so much incredibly closer to my jessie! Im so speechless about this weekend, it was sooo much fun and next weekend im going up to see her!!! friday after school im going and im coming back sunday night! Were going to have sooooo SOOOOOO much FUN!!! OMG!! GUESS WHAT ELSE!!!? This thursday, mark your calendars! Me and Jessicas 7 month anniversy is this thursday! 7 months!!!! omg thank you so much for the best 7 months! i love you sooooooo soooooooooooooooo MUCH!!!
This weekend was sooo amazing is all i can say, thank you jessica, i love you!
Love, Mike