Aug 02, 2015 01:00
I never finished a poem a day for April, mostly because I just didn't want to. MM and I broke up in February and I kept selecting poems that centered around loss, and then I didn't want to post them, et cetera et cetera and so forth, please excuse me while I throw up. I'll do better next year.
MM said he never understood me. Even after two and a half years, he found me mysterious; he could never communicate just what it was that he didn't get about me. I tried so many ways to show him. I even gave him a link to this journal, and he lost it.
Eliza Griswold
What are we now but voices
who promise each other a life
neither one can deliver
not for lack of wanting
but wanting won’t make it so.
We cling to a vine at the cliff’s edge.
There are tigers above
and below. Let us love
one another and let go.
american poets,
eliza griswold