what the world is coming to...

May 10, 2004 21:40

so im laying down and theres nothing to watch on tv. i was lookin thru the channel guide thing-a-ma-jig and i see that the "Swan" is on Fox2. i can remember paul and julie talkin bout this show a few weeks ago so i turned it on to see what all the hype is about. the show is seriously fuckin disturbing. its like they take people who are so called "ugly ducklings" and turn them into "Swans" alright i just watched an hour of the show and neither of the women that had all the shit done to em was ugly. what the hell. its like they go to the doctor and hes like "you need this this this this and this...oh not to mention you REALLY need this...oh yea and a some of this". these are normal fucking people. ::shakes head:: reality TV blows.

like i know i have low-self esteem and shit like that, and i know that im not happy with myself so im probally being a hypocrite for saying what i said above but come on, i wouldnt stretch the limit that far just to fucking look pretty. not fucking worth it. at all. if you dont like what i look like then simply stop looking. thats what ive lived by for years bc there aint shit i can do bout how i look. ::shrugs::

ah yea, to add to the earlier post i forgot the most intresting part of the day. so im sitting at mandis and im like hey lets go wash my car windows bc they gettin pretty bad on the inside. so we sittin there washin em and she tells me to turn on the radio. hello--my radio doesnt work. so she starts talkin bout gettin it fixed and i told her how i think that james just disconnected it bc its kinda ironic that when i started driving the car the radio all of a sudden didnt work anymore. so what do we do? we tore the whole dashboard apart. everything. every screw, bolt, and washer. lol. we had the radio out, we had the freaking heater part out, we had the counsel torn up. and know what? my radio was unhooked. so we hook up, put it back in where it belongs and put everything back together. we ended up with 2 xtra screws some how. lol. oh well. i got em in my glove box incase something falls apart. heh. so after everythings back together and lookin good i start the car. and ya know what? i got nothing. i was very disappointed. im thinking tho it might be bc the board isnt on. so im gonna wait until it comes on and then try. cross your fingers for me. i found out why my ciggarett lighter doesnt work too. holy shit it was disconnected. everything was disconnected. we hooked the lighter back up and mandi lit her cigg and then like ten minutes later i touched it to see if it had cooled down adn it burn the shit outta me. for some reason it wasnt cooling off it was gettin hotter so we had to disconnect it again. HmMmm. its all good. i didnt need it anyways.

im freaking bored. i want some ice cream. there aint none in the house tho. blah. im in a crappy mood. i think its bc im tired. that and im burning up. shitty ass weather. we didnt even get a good storm outta it. what can ya do bout it tho.

my brothers are watching the chris rock show. fucking gay as hell but yet they sitting out there cracking up. sorrie but i dont see whats funnie. the guy is gay as hell when he tries to be a comedian. just not working for him. at all.


alright im outta here.
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