When I come back to bed, someone's taken my place

Jun 21, 2007 16:51

Hey ther beutifil people!  Questoin:  What are some reputible tatoo/peircing parlors around this joint?  Feeling a need to add to my collektion.  Anybody want to join me for some needle-lovin' fun?  Hinata, I know you totaly want to. ;)

In other news:  Hmm.  Actualy i dont think i have much other news yet.  halfway thruogh paying Uncle Sid back, bonus!  But on the other hand Ive finished the last lot of tequila he sent up.  hope the next lot isn't too far away, its way too expensive to buy the good stuf up here.

Narutos Lame Joke Of The Day (im going to hav to trademark that.  Sasuke, can you take care of that for me?):

A woman went to the doctor complaining of a strange growth on her head.  He had a look - there was a small flower growing there!  Puzzeld, he proscribed her some medisine and told her to call if there was no change.

A week went by and the woman was back again.  This time there was a small rock and some ferns next to the plant.  Still puzzeld, the doctor proscribed her somethin else and sent her away.

The next week she turned up again.  By now there was a few trees, more flowers, and a piknik table!  The doctor grinned suddinly.  "I know what this is!" he said triumfaintly.  "Youve got a beuty spot!"


AHAHAHA.  Oh god that one kills me every time.  (Not really Sasuke, tough luck for you, huh?)

jokes for hinata, self-mutilation, sasuke's a smellyhead, richer than tsunade!

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