Oct 27, 2005 08:03
My course really takes the piss somtimes, one of my tutors came in and started asking me questions out of the blue, without giving me anytime to prepare for them..
i'm allrigh with one of my clase's but I have redo part of coping with change and go back over my interviews.
and if that wasn't enough they gave me a comunication assignment when I really didn't need it.
I sorry but my degree year was piss easy compared to this, and this is only a Btec national.
I have another meating to see the councilor tommorow morning.
it's really just to eveluate what i'm going to do aobut the "situation"
I'll tihnk of a "plan of action" tonight.
I really tihnk i'll have to play my card at the right moment,
There is so many problems:
1) the situation that happend with paul at the end of week 3. this distoryed her confidence and made her really fragile, I mean she's only really started coming out recently.
2.) in continuation of that Paul liked her, jon liked her, Dave claimed to like her (but i'm not sure ahe knew that) the only safe haven is me, who now likes her....
See the problem? it could make her feel really insecure, in a "oh my god evryone that comes in contact with me falls in love with me) sort of way.
3.) admiting it now may not be the best idea, because it is quite a heavy period work wise. This also aplies to myself.
4) I may have to convince her, i'm not just rebounding from laura.
But I can't not tell her at all, so i'll have to be really carfull,
here are some of the idea's i've come up with:
1) I'll tell her but I shall take my time with it, I may even wait to near the end of term, things hapen so quikly here there is no telling how the story witll develop anyway.
2). before telling her, i'll tell john first, he's prity much my best freind in this place, and the last thing I want is to fall out with him over a girl. he should take it ok, because he knows him and leah are on a freind's basis anyway. But still. I may tell him just before I leave at christmass, with somone else to talk to about it, it may help me to assess the situation,
3)when I tell her try and make it clear, about the conerns of possible damage this anoucment may do to her.
4) it may be better off writing what I want to say, i am a lot better expressing myself in writen form than I am verbally. On prblem with that is paul gave her a "letter" which wasn't well recived, but for some reason people are more likly to take things in poetic form so i'll do that.
one example is when I hgeard laura say one day "who writes letters?"
yet she took my poem about ther perfectly ok, i'm not sure how it works but it works..
so somthing like that...
so what do you think? lol...