Fic: The white whale. (Castiel, future!fic, PG-13, past character death)

Jul 12, 2013 21:58

The white whale. Supernatural, Castiel-centric future fic, assuming an alternate ending to season 8. PG-13ish with some graphic violence. Warning for past character death.

Dean and Sam left no children behind. Not even illegitimate, undiscovered ones: Castiel knows this, because he searched every inch of their checkered pasts, long ago. He doesn't know what he hoped to find. It simply would have been something else to visit, instead of a grave: a broad-shouldered man or a freckled woman, someone with the habit of opening beer bottles on countertops, someone who laughed easily and took pleasure in leftover meatloaf. Sometimes when he watches them, these far-flung Winchesters and Campbells, he wonders what on earth he is looking for: comfort, or purpose.

...Sometimes, Castiel thinks what he is really looking for, is punishment.

Read at A03

destiel, fic: pg-13, castiel, more like superdupernatural, posting fic here again hooray, fic: supernatural

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