Filled prompts at the Homecoming Dance Ficathon

Jan 14, 2013 22:23

The Homecoming Dance Ficathon is still going strong- so if you'd like to jump in with a prompt or do a little writing yourself, please stop by. There are lots of amazing ideas in the air. In the meantime, here are the filled prompts so far- lots of funny, with dashes of occasional heartbreak and a light sprinkling of myth. Please check out these authors and give them some love!

For ingvildk, Doctor Who, Ten/Rose, Poetry: Halcyon. (by delacourtings)
it is no longer clasped hands in desperation of running for life,
it is entwined fingertips for simplicity's sake.

For isawthephoto, Doctor Who, Ten/Rose: Flash. (by soaring_smiles)
It occurs to him that the first time had been only illuminated by flashes of lightning, shadows hiding them both from each other. He said he'd do it better, the next time.

For mylittlepwny, Doctor Who, Ten/Rose, Dark Fairytale AU: Twisted. (by soaring_smiles)
Down, down past thrones and castles and stones, past cobbled houses and cobbled streets, deep in the twisted woods and wicked branches, there lives a witch.

For mylittlepwny, Doctor Who, Ten/Rose, Mafia AU: Attracting Trouble. (by soaring_smiles)
Moonlight touches his cheek, and she hears laughter and music downstairs. He could be handsome, if he wasn't bloodied and battered, life leaking out through his breaths.

For mylittlepwny, Doctor Who, Eleven/Rose: Untitled. (by isawthephoto)
She is lovelier than he remembers; that's the thing about time--it softens the focus on so many optical snapshots, the photos fade and age with too much time, and anyway, he shot them with a lesser model, the aperture less accurate, the flash too weak.

For somebraveapollo, Leverage/Doctor Who, Parker/Hardison AU: the don't-look-down job. (by odakota_rose)
Either she's going to kill him or he's gonna die. Either way he starts wishing, just a little, that he actually had gone into accounting like he always tells his Nana.

For mylittlepwny, Doctor Who, Ten/Rose: walking away at the dark end of day. (by wellavengeit)
She’s curling around one of his arms and her fingers are tangled with his. In any other coat, the lining would be bursting at the seams trying to contain fifteen slim fingers but instead they fit perfectly, just like always.

For mylittlepwny, Lost Girl, Dyson/Kenzi: The war. (by ricketyhands)
he's radiating heat, but that's normal - that's what he's always done, and although his hugs have always been distant, there is something kenzi needs in the way he holds her, in the heat he provides.

For mylittlepwny, Doctor Who, Doctor/Rose, X-Files AU: Alone. (by rosa_acicularis)
She did not smile, and for the first time he noticed the dark roots of her hair. The small scar above her left eyebrow. “I’m not just looking for facts, Dr. Smith,” she said. “I’m looking for the truth.”

For mylittlepwny, Doctor Who, Doctor/Rose dark!AU: sorry about the blood in your mouth. i wish it was mine. (by redandgallifrey)
When he finally rescues her out of the cold, white, tile-walled room, she’s so frighteningly light in his arms. She trembles against him, and it scares him that he can’t tell whether it’s from the fear or from the cold.

For somebraveapollo, Doctor Who/Greek Myths, Ten/Rose: Constellation-Makers. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (by boxed)
She was chained to an enormous slab of rock, rising from the sea as if it was a monument to the gods, and she wondered, again, how she could have expected anything differently when he offered to show her the famed Grecian Isles.

For zazie11, Doctor Who/Poetry, Doctor/Rose AU: The Stuff of Legend. (by zazie11)
His mind and heart lay bare, the Sun asked the Moon another question, more softly than the first: How long are you gonna stay with me?

For roslindi, SPN/Social Media, Cas/Tumblr: For the love of Reblog. (by boxed)
"There is this picture of a penguin," says Castiel, seemingly ignoring Dean's initial remark. For a minute Castiel is lost in his own laughter again, pointing at the screen that neither of them can actually see.

For orange_crushed, Social Media AU, LJ/Tumblr: where the creatures meet. (by somebraveapollo)
The thing with LJ is, she's not very good with setting up boundaries. Which is all ЖЖ's fault, of course. The only good thing about having a domineering, successful twin sister is that you can blame her for everything.

For mylittlepwny, Lost Girl, Dyson/Kenzi: just a girl and a guy and a kiss on the street. (by intrikate88)
He gets that look again, the one he so often wears around her, like-- how crazy is she, or how much is she fucking with me, and what the fuck are humans, anyway.

For zazie11, Doctor Who, Doctor/Rose: Audio Engineering. (by cereal)
A symphony of love and a burning sun, and she understands now, it's not what you hear, it's who hears it with you.

For mylittlepwny, True Blood/Secret Diary AU, Hannah/Eric: Broken, bent. (by orange_crushed)
They meet at a hotel bar. One of a million dimly-lit, nondescript places with dark leather sofas and darker wood and bored bartenders serving their fiftieth martini and a handful of worn-looking people looking to trade up.

For intrikate88, Justified/OUAT AU, Belle/Rumple: Over the river and through the woods. (by orange_crushed)
He stands and offers his hand over the counter. She shakes it firmly, and he laughs. "Be careful what you wish for," he tells her. "Because you just might get it."

fic: lost girl, comment ficathon, fic: crossover, fic: true blood, fic: doctor who, fic: supernatural, fic: ten/rose, fic: once upon a time, ficathon, fic: justified

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