we're gonna be less crazy. we're gonna finally be fine.

Dec 17, 2011 23:44

A.) I feel like I have been gone a really really long time
A.1) Um, I have.

B.) I've finally finished my coursework for my Ph.D.
B.1) exams hahahahaha exams oh God
B.2) no really oh God EXAMS

C.) Basically the only thing I've been watching for three weeks is Community
C.1) all of it
C.2) um jeff and annie; you guys, i am so fucked

D.) I'm afraid my muse is dead, or on strike, or suffering a chronic illness. I've tried prompts. I've tried going back to old fics. I've tried caffeine and I'm fifteen seconds from trying jumper cables.
D.1) Le sigh
D.2) halp

E.1) I really miss you guys when I'm not here.

stupidity, uneasiness, blather

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