Don't slushy me!

May 30, 2010 09:55

I'm going to apologize ahead of time for anyone following "Perfect Knots." One of my prompts dug a hole deep, deep in the recesses of my brain and told me that I'm not allowed to not write it. So I must. It calls to me! Through the nine hours worth of driving so far I plotted out two entire fics. Then, after reaching my destination hotel at 1AM, I decided to stay up for the next four hours talking to my muse/cheerleader/sorta-beta/roommate about the fic I plan on writing because that's how excited I am about it. Really, I need to write this and the urge is so strong that I know Perfect Knots is going to be put on the back-burner for an extended period of time (I know that it pretty much already is).

♥ Forgive me.

EDIT: I am not stopping my summer fic project, however.

wtf!irl, legend of the seeker

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