The sneak preview in LA! And gifs.

Apr 13, 2011 23:39

Monday, I drove up to LA with my roommate Kelly to go see The Best and the Brightest. It was hosted at this adorable theater, Cinefamily, that supports independent films. Everyone was really excited about this particular showing because Bridget Regan attended the Q&A afterward. The other film production members were Michael Jaegar (co-writer), Ted Masur (music), and John Inwood (director of photography).

Before I forget! Cinefamily? Has a The Last Unicorn Pajama Party.

I need to go to this.

But let's talk about how well I kept it together.

14 gifs from The Best and the Brightest

Kelly and I aren't late to the movie. That means it's a good night so far because I had no idea how bad the traffic would be, or how hard it would be to find parking. Traffic was tolerable. There was free parking a couple blocks away. Fantastic!

However, I failed to notice that I didn't grab the camera until we were already waiting in line to be seated. No big deal, we have our phones. I also have my notebook, because I like to take notes during films, especially if I've seen them before (and I've seen this particular movie enough times that I can really pay attention to the finer details). Basically, if all photography fails, I'll still have an autograph.

The seating room was the perfect mix of plush couches at the front, backed by alternating rows of fold-out seats and ancient theater duck-seats that I'd like to believe have been there since the building first became a theater. I don't know if that's true, but there's a richness to this theater that made me think it has some history.

I'm going to skip recapping the movie (if you're not familiar, here's the trailer; warning, I thought it spoiled a lot), and the Q&A. Why? Because I'm pretty sure the production crew is going to post a video on their site. Kelly and I sat fairly close to the front, but more importantly, production crew sat behind us. We overheard talk about where they wanted to point the camera, "Try to keep the camera on Bridget-her fans love her from Legend of the Seeker. They'll love that."

Yes, Mr. Camera Director, they will. And they thank you for that. But I haven't seen the video yet, so we'll see. The movie site also posted a laugh track, but I can't pick myself or Kelly out of it. Oh well. It's a nice keepsake though. I didn't ask anything during the Q&A, but the rest of the audience had plenty thought provoking questions. I'm terribly shy unless I actually know other people, but I was content to just sit and listen.

Bridget Regan? So pretty. We already know that. Her hair was lovely red, and her freckles were a bit overwhelming in person. Like, really. Let's preface the rest of this with the knowledge that when I'm faced with my favoritest of favorite people, I tend to choke up and not think of anything to say.

Once, my favorite author came to a local bookstore for a reading and signing. Despite everything I thought to say to her, the only thing that managed to come out of my mouth was, "Hi, I'm Erika. I love your books." And I promptly shoved her novel across the table, vibrating so hard with adrenaline, I can't manage to do anything else. My roommate was just short of smacking me upside the head, and said on my behalf, "She wanted to tell you that your her favorite author, and your books really mean a lot to her." Go me!

Sorry about that. Let's move on.

The preview was sold out, but the crowd was still small. Only about a third of the audience stayed for the Q&A, and I'd guess maybe about two dozen people were in line for Bridget. I tried not to people-watch while she gave each of her fans a couple minutes of her undivided attention, but, umm, I'm a people watcher. So yeah. I think I managed to act like a normal person up until the point where it was my turn, and I stepped forward to shake her hand. And then I scrambled to remember my own name, and sputtered something that vaguely resembled an introduction. She was so sweet about it though.

I recall bringing my sketchbook up, but not being able to find the words to ask for her autograph. She pointed to it and asked, "Would you like me to sign this?" And she's already nodding because, duh, the answer is a forgone conclusion. I reached for my pencil inside my vest pocket because I didn't have a pen. I am so prepared (no, I'm not). However, Bridget Regan was! She busted out a huge black sharpie, and really, she needs to stop smiling because I'd like to make some sort of impression that indicates that I'm an intelligent human being. That's a lie, nobody wants her to stop smiling.

Back to Bridget. I don't know how my sketchbook got into her hands exactly-really, I don't recall handing it over, but my memory is a splotchy mish-mash of awesome-but it's opened on the page of some of my notes for a LotS project. She didn't even hesitate to start reading. Umm, yay? Yes, we'll go with that.

"Oh, wow, this is great!" The skeptic in me is sure that she's just being nice, but the fangirl in me is squeeing hard.

I'm blushing for sure. I asked her, "Can you just sign all across it?" Because I can't think of a better way to immortalize my fandom love than to have Bridget Regan sign my LotS ~femslash notes.

After spending a couple of inappropriate seconds adoring my sketchbook, I remember that I came to this gig with a friend, who hasn't said anything yet. "Oh, and this is my roommate Kelly!" It included some ridiculous gesturing at him because I apparently have no conscious control over my limbs when in the presence of one of my favorite actresses.

He has no words. Just a handshake and a big, shy smile. I felt like a tool for totally edging him out that entire time, but he confessed to me on the ride home that he had been perfectly happy to just stand by and listen to us talk. Not that I blame him. Both of us are chilling on Cloud 9, and we're about to move on because we don't want to be bad fans and impose on her, but apparently Bridget Regan is too sweet for that.

She stopped us. "Oh, don't you want a picture?"

I blinked, then closed my eyes with a simple nod. "Yeah, that'd be great." I'm such a dork, how could I forget to take a picture?! She's got this knowing smile on, and I'm beginning to wonder if she has to constantly remind her fans about ~things because they're in such a fan-daze. Right after the picture, she told me not to forget my sketchbook either. Pfft, like that would happen (actually, its a plausible possibility). As for the picture, I'm 5'1" on a good day; I stood on my tippy toes for the picture, and Bridget still had to crouch down two flights of stairs to be at my level. Which, by the way, wasn't helped by her wearing heels.

My phone doesn't like me very much, and refuses to let me transfer the picture over to the computer. It's a blurry, crappy phone photo anyway.

Kelly almost forgot to take a picture too, but I reminded him and he rocked it with his fedora.

We were the last in line, so Bridget left soon after. Actually, I don't know that for sure. I got really caught up talking to the other film production members. All I know is that girl sweeping up the floor looked like she really wished everyone would stand somewhere else. So she could clean. Because they were closing.

We leave the theater.

"I think I utterly failed at not acting like a rabid fan. Go me!"

I feel better about it though, because during the Q&A Bridget said she was super nervous to work with NPH, because she's such a fan, and I agree that it shows in the park scene (I think it works; I'm also clearly biased). I'm not usually such a spazz in front of people I admire, but LotS holds a special place in my heart, and getting to meet someone who helped make the show happen kind of makes me weak in the knees. It could just be Bridget Regan's freckles.

Also, I got a hug. It was a spectacular day to be a fan.

I can't help but imagine Robin as the crazy fangirl in all of us.

No credits needed, but no hot linking, please! ♥

Have I mentioned that Bridget Regan makes amazing faces?

wtf!irl, the best and the brightest, flailing, nph, gifspam, gifs, thoughts, pajama party, bridget regan

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