Lost Girl 1x08 "Vexed"

Nov 11, 2010 18:06

My heart is a wibbly little mess right now.

GIF heavy, for those with slow connections. NSFW.

Okay, that intro definitely had me tapping my foot to the music. Bo/Dyson was pretty hot, but I might be biased because they were fairly chilly toward each other afterward. I still dislike his distrust of Lauren despite what happens later on in the episode. It's still misplaced. I'm under the impression that he views Dr. Lewis as cold-hearted and completely on the up and up for her own selfish agenda.

Bo: Jesus, Dyson, leave it already.
Dyson: She's just leading you on. She's never going to love you.
Bo: Who said anything about love? And you don't know that.

It says a lot. Even Bo is wary to put a label on what's happening with her and Lauren, but she's not opposed to finding out. As the audience, I think we've been privy to seeing Lauren from Bo's eyes, whereas other characters in the show have consistently disliked her. Considering Kenzi's comments from earlier episodes about Lauren's iciness, a conflict stems from the fact that Bo knows a different Lauren than everyone else. (I'm already excited about the rest of the episode at this point, because how often do we get to see good drama?)


I liked how flippantly the show handled vampires. No glorification or lingering on them. As much as I love vampires, I've been enjoying seeing the variety of other mythalogical beings and creatures.

I'm not a fan of the Light Fae so far. I'm pretty sure "light" and "dark" have no other connotations at this point other than to color code which team you fight for. Most Fae have been presented fairly villainous so far, other than Dyson, Hale, and the smattering of Dark Fae willing to help Bo out. The Ash is clearly using Lauren as a tool to manipulate Bo. I know Lauren is heading toward this downward spiral of an epic mistake, but I appreciated her body language. She's tense throughout and visible relief washes through her when the Ash says he doesn't want Bo dead. Yay! But boo! Because the Ash doesn't give a crap about telling Lauren to use her body to distract Bo (not that I'm complaining, but yeah... I am complaining).

WTF UNICORN SWORD. Bo is gonna cut a bitch, watch out.

And now we're at Bo's place with Lauren. I know that even though the Ash told Lauren to used her lovely lady bits to seduce Bo, everything about Lauren's intentions felt genuine. This attraction between them has been building up for a few episodes now, we knew it was coming, complaining that it hadn't come soon enough and for a moment it's as fantastic as we expected it to be. I can feel the raw emotions when Lauren grabs Bo's hand and the rest of the world just melts away. It's suddenly AN EXPLOSION OF FEELINGS because Bo really wants Lauren, but she's too scared that she'll hurt Lauren. And Lauren! She's supposed to be just using Bo, but the only thing that matters is keeping Bo safe and trusting Bo so much that she's putting her life on the line to prove it. OH MY SHIPPER HEART. AND I DON'T EVEN THINK THEY REALIZE THAT THIS IS HAPPENING BETWEEN THEM.


"I don't want to hurt you."
"I trust you."

"Nobody owns you."
The feelings! They're everywhere! Bo is such a stud!

I can't help but note the contrast between the Bo/Lauren and the Bo/Dyson sex scenes. Music, tone, lighting, everything is different between them. Bo dominates and takes, takes, takes from Dyson (no wonder he's pissed, aye?) and with "Sour Cherry" by The Kills beating in the background. Bo is hesitant and gentle with Lauren (not that I don't want to see them get a little crazy on each other), needing to make sure the pace is slow so that she doesn't accidentally hurt Lauren. Oh! And ripping off the necklace and "Nobody owns you." *flailflailflail*

I don't know why I capped this! D: It's so sad!

I just... UGH, I almost don't want to talk about the epic shitfest that happened afterward. As much as it tells me about how genuine their feelings are for each other, it just hurts my heart piece. I want to shake Lauren and scream, "Now is not the time for logic-mode! Convince Bo with your feelings!" But alas! Lauren is at once honest and dishonest and completely deserves everything Bo throws at her. But even at the end when Bo walks away, Lauren is still stuck on the fact that Bo is about to get herself killed (how Zoie Palmer manages to hold back that lake of tears I see in her eyes, I don't even).

Despite her dislike of Dyson, he's the one she turns to because it's Bo's life that's at stake. He runs off to save the woman she cares about, leaving her to sit and wait uselessly. Man. This sucks but damnit it's good drama.

I have no doubt that Lauren will be the jilted lover in the end. HOWEVER, I am hoping that she gets to stick around as a series regular. Also, despite the depressing note the episode left on for fans of Lauren, I recently started waving my fan flag for the Morrigan. There are so many more of you out there than I expected! :D This will be fun.

"Oh, and dental!"

16 gifs from 1x08 and 1 gif from 1x01.

Please, no hotlinking. Credit not necessary.

bo/lauren, femslash, lost girl, thoughts, gifspam

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