not writing abstracts

Sep 15, 2009 01:31

I'm pretty sure if I ever move to another country, all of my visits back home are going to entail buying and consuming vast quantities of beer that aren't available elsewhere. Also, I feel like a bad Texan because since I've moved here I've only had 2 Lonestars and no Shiner Bock. But I think Tejas is turning me slowly to the dark side. Not politically, don't worry. But today I felt an alarming need to hang out with Ted Nugent. I blame Anthony Bourdain for this, but still. I think I'm *gulp* starting to warm up to the idea of living in this state. However, I don't feel too bad, because I think I like it for reasons other than those of real Texans. It's so camp! Come on, I can go to the store and buy Texas-shaped pretzels. Texas is so in love with being Texas and I really appreciate their enthusiasm. I think someone once defined camp as something to the effect of "misplaced sincerity" (and if someone else didn't I just did) and you get a whole lot of that here.

While I'm thinking about it, I really need to get a photo of a billboard I drive by every day on the way to the university. It's an ad for McDonald's and it has a huge picture of a hamburger and says "Beef in the Heart of Texas." So great! And so true! And every time I see it I get "Deep in the Heart of Texas" stuck in my head. Heh.

Ok, really, what I was really going to say before I got distracted by beer and Texas is this:
I think it's really great that my dad got his promotion, but fuck his new contract! They're taking away my damn insurance. This might mean I have to start caring about health care reform. Eh. Probably not though. What it really means is that I have to shop for insurance. Fuck that. Fuck it right in the ear. I liked my dad's old contract. They were going to let me mooch off of his insurance until I was 25. Now I have less than a month. Gah. So hopefully I don't suffer any grievous injuries or illnesses.
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